Avada Builder Right Click Options

Avada Builder Right Click Options

A small, but awesome feature, that was added back in Avada 5.6, is the ability to manage your Avada Builder Elements, Columns, and Containers through a right click menu.
When you right click within the Avada Builder, or within Avada Live, a contextual menu appears, with options for you to edit, clone, save, remove, copy, and paste elements. This provides easier element interactions and improves your workflow efficiency. Continue reading below to know more about the options available in the Avada Builder right click feature, or watch the video below for a visual overview.
Right Click Feature MenusThe Avada Builder right click feature gives you largely common choices for the various assets. The main differences are the paste options for Elements vs. Columns vs. Containers. Please see below examples of what the menu looks like, and the list of the options available, when you right click on Containers, Columns, or Elements.
Avada Builder Container Right Click Options
Edit – this will open the Settings of the specific Container where you can customize it.

Save – this opens the Library window, where you can save the specific Container, as a normal or a global Container.

Clone – this will clone the specific Container and place the cloned Container directly after its original.

Remove – this will delete the specific Container from your layout. If you delete an element by mistake, you can use the History feature to undo it. For more information on this, view the History Feature document.

Copy – this will copy the specific Container. Once a Container has been copied, paste options will be available when you right click on a Container again.

Paste At Start – this option is only available in Columns and Containers. If you copy an Element, and right click on a Column, it will paste the copied Element at the start of the Column, or if you copy a Column and right click on a Container, it will paste the copied Column at the start of the Container.

Paste At End – this option is only available in Columns and Containers. If you copy an Element, and right click on a Column, it will paste the copied Element at the end of the Column, or if you copy a Column and right click on a Container, it will paste the copied Column at the end of the Container.

Paste Before – You will get this right click option, when you copy an Element, Column or Container, and then right click on the same type of element again. This will paste the copied item before the item you have right clicked on.

Paste After – You will get this right click option, when you copy an Element, Column or Container, and then right click on the same type of element again. This will paste the copied item after the item you have right clicked on.
Avada Builder Column Right Click Options
Edit – this will open the Settings of the specific Column, where you can customize it.

Save – this opens the Library window, where you can save the specific Column, as a normal or a global Column.

Clone – this will clone the specific Column and place the cloned Column directly after its original.

Remove – this will delete the specific Column from your layout. If you delete an element by mistake, you can use the History feature to undo it. For more information on this, view the History Feature document.

Copy – this will copy the specific Column. Once an element has been copied, paste options will be available when you right click on a Column again.

Paste At Start – this option is only available in Columns and Containers. If you copy an Element, and right click on a Column, it will paste the copied Element at the start of the Column, or if you copy a Column and right click on a Container, it will paste the copied Column at the start of the Container.

Paste At End – this option is only available in Columns and Containers. If you copy an Element, and right click on a Column, it will paste the copied Element at the end of the Column, or if you copy a Column and right click on a Container, it will paste the copied Column at the end of the Container.

Paste Before – You will get this right click option, when you copy an Element, Column or Container, and then right click on the same type of element again. This will paste the copied item before the item you have right clicked on.

Paste After – You will get this right click option, when you copy an Element, Column or Container, and then right click on the same type of element again. This will paste the copied item after the item you have right clicked on.
Avada Builder Element Right Click Options
Edit – this will open the Settings of the specific element where you can customize it.

Clone – this will clone the specific element and place the cloned element directly after its original.

Save – this opens the Library window, where you can save the specific Element, as a normal or a global Element.

Remove – this will delete the specific Element from your layout. If you delete an element by mistake, you can use the History feature to undo it. For more information on this, view the History Feature document.

Copy – this will copy the specific element. Once an element has been copied, paste options will be available when you right click on an element again.

Paste Before – You will get this right click option, when you copy an Element, Column or Container, and then right click on the same type of element again. This will paste the copied item before the item you have right clicked on.

Paste After – You will get this right click option, when you copy an Element, Column or Container, and then right click on the same type of element again. This will paste the copied item after the item you have right clicked on.
Library Right Click OptionsThere are also right click options in the Avada Builder Library Edit Screens. The Library allows you to save and redeploy any elements, columns or containers, and even save pages as templates. Read more about the Avada Builder Library here.
If you are editing a saved library item, you will also have right click menus. If you right click on the same element type that it has been saved as, (e.g. right clicking on an element if the library type is for element) then it will only show Edit and Copy options. Other options such as Clone, Save, Remove, and Paste will be available if for example you right click on an element in a column or container library type.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You can copy an Element, Column, or Container from one page/post and then paste it into any other  pages/posts as you require (or as many times). This includes adding Elements to widgets.


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