How To Use Avada Studio

How To Use Avada Studio

Avada Studio is an awesome design feature, that allows you to add pre-built, professionally designed content blocks virtually anywhere into your site. These content blocks are as simple as a single element, as complex as a full page template, and everywhere in between. New content blocks will also be added regularly, and they are easy to use and customize. This huge and ever increasing library of content will help you build your sites even faster, with top notch designs, right out of the box.
Read on to discover the different types of Avada Studio content, where to find them, and how to use them. And watch the video below for a visual overview.,avada.studioIt all starts at Here, you can see an overview of the Avada Studio content, and you can sort, browse and preview the full range of available content. The website is loaded with design inspiration, and will be updated regularly with new content blocks.
On the far left, you can see the eleven types of Studio content – Templates, Headers, Page Title Bars, Content Sections, Footers, Containers, Columns, Elements, Icons, Forms, and Post Cards. Next to this are the categories for that content type. You can sort the content blocks into their various styles to help you refine your selection. In the main window you can see a preview of the various content blocks. Just click on one to get a full width functioning preview of the particular block.
Rome wasn』t built in a day, and while there is a good amount of content to kick Avada Studio off, as the content grows, this will become an amazing source of design inspiration, all of which is also available to you directly from within your Avada website.,Avada Dashboard > StudioThe Studio page within Avada is available from the Avada Dashboard. You will have to have a registered copy of Avada to access this area. Like the website, this area allows you to sort, browse, and preview the Studio content, but with the added ability to save your favourite content directly into your Avada Library.
This time the content types are arrayed across the top, but with the same sort and preview functionality as the studio website. The magnifying glass icon allows you to preview the individual content blocks, while the Library icon allows you to save content blocks directly into the Avada Builder Library for future use. You don』t have to save anything from here, as all the content is available to be added through the Avada Library when building your content in Avada Builder (with the single exception of icons). But it』s an easy way to save preferred content blocks as you are browsing.
New Avada Studio content will be added to this area as new designs are created, and there is also a Sync Avada Studio button at the top of the page to ensure you have the latest content.,Adding Avada Studio ContentAvada Studio Content Blocks are all added to your site through the Avada Builder, and the Avada Library. How you add Studio content depends slightly on the type of content it is. There are eleven types of Studio content, which can be gouped into six areas, covering every area of Avada. Let』s look at them separately.
Avada Studio Page TemplatesAvada Studio Headers, Page Title Bars, Content Sections & FootersAvada Studio Containers, Columns & ElementsAvada Studio IconsAvada Studio FormsAvada Studio Post CardsAvada Studio Off Canvas,Avada Studio Page TemplatesThese are accessed from a blank page, via the Avada Studio Button on the Starter page, or at any time on a normal page from the Avada Library icon on the Toolbar and then the Studio tab. These are full page templates.
To add this page template content, just mouse over the desired template and replace any existing content, or add it below or above any existing content. A dialogue appears, showing the import process, and the content appears in the builder.
One thing to note here is the Avada Library > Websites tab. This is simlar, but diffferent to Avada Studio Content. Both are full page templates, but here, you can import any of the individual pages from any of the eighty plus prebuilt websites. This area has also recently had a makeover, and with Avada 7.5, this content now imports with images.,Avada Studio Headers, PTBs, Content Sections & FootersThis type of Studio content is designed to be added to any one of the four types of Layout Sections, for use in Avada Layouts. If you are on a new Layout Section, you can add a prebuilt Studio Header, Page Title Bar, Content Section or Footer respectively, by clicking on the Avada Studio buton. You can also access the Studio Content at any time by opening the Avada Library from the toolbar and heading to the Studio tab.
These prebuilt, professionally designed Layout Sections can then be edited and customized to suit your content. Once you have completed them, just save them. To use them on your site, they would then need to be assigned to a Global or Conditional Layout at Avada > Layouts.,Avada Studio Containers, Columns & ElementsThis type of Studio content is designed to be added in the normal flow of building page content. When you add a new Container, Column or Element, just switch to the Studio tab, and there you will have access to the full range of the respective Studio content blocks.
This content can help you quickly build pages with great design and functionality, wthout having to build it all from scratch.,Avada Studio IconsIcon Studio content is a little different than the others. These content blocks need to be saved from the Avada Studio page, found at Avada Dashboard > Studio. Icon sets saved here are saved to the Icon page.
Then, you can access any of the icons in the imported custom icon set through any place were you find the Icon picker. Many Elements have an icon option, as well as the Icon Element. Just look at the sets across the top of the Icon Picker and you will see any custom icon sets that have been added to Avada.,Avada Studio FormsAvada Studio Forms can be saved directly to the Forms Builder page from the Studio page, but these can also be added when creating a new Avada Form. Just click the Avada Studio button from the Form Builder starter page to access the Studio forms, and add your preferred form. You can also acess the Studio tab through the Library when there is content on the page.
Of course, the imported Studio forms will need to be customized for your content and submission preferences, and then once they are finished, you can add them into your content with the Avada Form Element.,Avada Studio Post CardsAvada Studio Post Card content is added in a similar way. You can save Post Card Content directly to the Avada Library from the Avada Dashboard > Studio page, or when building a new Post Card.
There is no Starter Page when adding Post Cards, so the way to access Studio content here is to access the Avada Library and add a Post Card from there. These Post Card designs can be used directly as they are, by inserting them into your Layout Sections with the Post Card Element, or they can of course be first customized to suit your needs.,Avada Studio Off CanvasAvada Studio Off Canvas content is the latest addition to Avada Studio. You add Off Canvas Studio Content directly from the Starter Page of the Avada Off Canvas Builder.
There is a range of Off Canvas designs for you to load, from Popups, and various types of Sliding Bars.,ConclusionWe think Avada Studio is a real gamechanger for Avada users. This rapidfire way of deploying professionally designed content into your site will speed up your workflow immensely, and also ensure your designs are of the highest standard.


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