Input Field – range

Input Field – range

You can use the range input field to allow users to drag and select the appropriate value using a slider interface. See below example about how you can use the range input field.
ExampleCopy to Clipboardarray(

'type' => 'range',

'heading' => esc_attr__( 'Font Size', 'fusion-builder' ),

'description' => esc_attr__( 'Select the font size to be used ( In pixel ).', 'fusion-builder' ),

'param_name' => 'font_size',

'value' => '14',

'min' => '10',

'max' => '72',

'step' => '1',

)​x 1array(2​3  'type'        => 'range',4​5  'heading'     => esc_attr__( 'Font Size', 'fusion-builder' ),6​7  'description' => esc_attr__( 'Select the font size to be used ( In pixel ).', 'fusion-builder' ),8​9  'param_name'  => 'font_size',10​11  'value'       => '14',12​13  'min'         => '10',14​15  'max'         => '72',16​17  'step'        => '1',18​19)Parameters type
(string) input type. heading
(string) Setting title. description
(string) Short description about the setting field. param_name
 (string) Attribute name to be used in the shortcode. value
(string) Default value to be set for the field. min
( string | number ) Minimum value required. The slider will start from this value. max
( string | number ) Maximum allowed value. The slider will end at this value. step
( string | number ) The value will be increased or decreased by this amount when you drag slider once forward or backward.

Input Field – raw_textarea

Input Field – raw_textarea

This new raw_textarea field does base64 encode the contents, so HTML can be used inside it, and will be properly displayed on the front-end. See below example about how you can use the raw_textarea input field –
ExampleCopy to Clipboardarray(
'type' => 'raw_textarea',
'heading' => esc_attr__( 'Infobox Content', 'fusion-builder' ),
'description' => esc_attr__( 'Custom styling setting only. Type in custom info box content to replace address string. For multiple addresses, separate info box contents by using the | symbol. ex: InfoBox 1|InfoBox 2|InfoBox 3.', 'fusion-builder' ),
'param_name' => 'infobox_content',
'value' => '',
) 1array(2  'type'        => 'raw_textarea',3  'heading'     => esc_attr__( 'Infobox Content', 'fusion-builder' ),4  'description' => esc_attr__( 'Custom styling setting only. Type in custom info box content to replace address string. For multiple addresses, separate info box contents by using the | symbol. ex: InfoBox 1|InfoBox 2|InfoBox 3.', 'fusion-builder' ),5  'param_name'  => 'infobox_content',6  'value'       => '',7)Params
type (string) Input type.
heading (string) Setting title.
description (string) Short description about the setting field.

param_name (string) Attribute name to be used in the shortcode.

value(string) Default value to be set for the field.

Input Field – textarea

Input Field – textarea

You can use the textarea field to allow users to add some descriptive text without formatting. See below example about how you can use the textarea input field –
ExampleCopy to Clipboardarray(

'type' => 'textarea',

'heading' => esc_attr__( 'Address', 'fusion-builder' ),

'description' => esc_attr__( 'Add the address to the location. example: 775 New York Ave, Brooklyn, Kings, New York 11203.', 'fusion-builder' ),

'param_name' => 'address',

'value' => '',

)​x 1array(2​3  'type'        => 'textarea',4​5  'heading'     => esc_attr__( 'Address', 'fusion-builder' ),6​7  'description' => esc_attr__( 'Add the address to the location. example: 775 New York Ave, Brooklyn, Kings, New York 11203.', 'fusion-builder' ),8​9  'param_name'  => 'address',10​11  'value'       => '',12​13)Parameters type
(string) input type. heading
(string) Setting title. description
(string) Short description about the setting field. param_name
 (string) Attribute name to be used in the shortcode. value
(string) Default value to be set for the field.

Input Field – textfield

Input Field – textfield

You can use the textfield input field to get the single line or short text input without formatting. Below is the example and list of params used in the textfield input field.
ExampleCopy to Clipboardarray(

'type' => 'textfield',

'heading' => esc_attr__( 'Name', 'fusion-builder' ),

'description' => esc_attr__( 'Enter your full name.', 'fusion-builder' ),

'param_name' => 'full_name',

'value' => '',

),​x 1array(2​3  'type'        => 'textfield',4​5  'heading'     => esc_attr__( 'Name', 'fusion-builder' ),6​7  'description' => esc_attr__( 'Enter your full name.', 'fusion-builder' ),8​9  'param_name'  => 'full_name',10​11  'value'       => '',12​13),Parameters type
(string) input type. heading
(string) Setting title. description
(string) Short description about the setting field. param_name
 (string) Attribute name to be used in the shortcode. value
(string) Default value to be set for the field.

Input Field – upload_images

Input Field – upload_images

You can use the upload_images input field to allow multiple image uploads. This option allows you to select multiple images at once and they will be stored in comma seperated list of attachment ids. Below is the example and list of params used in the upload_images input field.
ExampleCopy to Clipboardarray(
'type' => 'upload_images',
'heading' => esc_attr__( 'Gallery Images', 'fusion-builder' ),
'description' => esc_attr__( 'Upload or select images.', 'fusion-builder' ),
'param_name' => 'image_ids',
'value' => '',
), 1array(2  'type'        => 'upload_images',3  'heading'     => esc_attr__( 'Gallery Images', 'fusion-builder' ),4  'description' => esc_attr__( 'Upload or select images.', 'fusion-builder' ),5  'param_name'  => 'image_ids',6  'value'       => '',7),Parameterstype (string) input type.heading (string) Setting title.description(string) Short description about the setting field.param_name (string) Attribute name to be used in the shortcode.value(string) Default value to be set for the field.

Input Field – multiple_select

Input Field – multiple_select

You can use the multiple_select input field to allow users to select multiple options from a dropdown of pre-defined values. See the below example on how you can use multiple_select input field –
ExampleCopy to Clipboardarray(

'type' => 'multiple_select',

'heading' => esc_attr__( 'Select styles', 'fusion-builder' ),

'description' => esc_attr__( 'A short description of the field.', 'fusion-builder' ),

'param_name' => 'styles',

'value' => array(
'green' => esc_attr__( 'Green', 'fusion-builder' ),
'darkgreen' => esc_attr__( 'Dark Green', 'fusion-builder' ),
'orange' => esc_attr__( 'Orange', 'fusion-builder' ),
'blue' => esc_attr__( 'Blue', 'fusion-builder' ),
'red' => esc_attr__( 'Red', 'fusion-builder' ),

)​x 1array(2​3  'type'        => 'multiple_select',4​5  'heading'     => esc_attr__( 'Select styles', 'fusion-builder' ),6​7  'description' => esc_attr__( 'A short description of the field.', 'fusion-builder' ),8​9  'param_name'  => 'styles',10​11  'value'       => array(12        'green'     => esc_attr__( 'Green', 'fusion-builder' ),13        'darkgreen' => esc_attr__( 'Dark Green', 'fusion-builder' ),14        'orange'    => esc_attr__( 'Orange', 'fusion-builder' ),15        'blue'      => esc_attr__( 'Blue', 'fusion-builder' ),16        'red'       => esc_attr__( 'Red', 'fusion-builder' ),17   ),18​19)Parameters type
( string ) input type. heading
( string ) Setting title. description
( string ) Short description about the setting field. param_name
 ( string ) Attribute name to be used in the shortcode. value
( array ) Array of pre-defined values.

Input Field – radio_button_set

Input Field – radio_button_set

You can use the radio_button_set input field to allow users to select an individual option from a list of the pre-defined options. See the below example on how you can use the radio_button_set input field –
ExampleCopy to Clipboardarray(

'type' => 'radio_button_set',

'heading' => esc_attr__( 'Select styles', 'fusion-builder' ),

'description' => esc_attr__( 'A short description of the field.', 'fusion-builder' ),

'param_name' => 'display_radio',

'value' => array(
'yes' => esc_attr__( 'Yes', 'fusion-builder' ),
'no' => esc_attr__( 'No', 'fusion-builder' ),

)​x 1array(2​3  'type'        => 'radio_button_set',4​5  'heading'     => esc_attr__( 'Select styles', 'fusion-builder' ),6​7  'description' => esc_attr__( 'A short description of the field.', 'fusion-builder' ),8​9  'param_name'  => 'display_radio',10​11  'value'       => array(12        'yes' => esc_attr__( 'Yes', 'fusion-builder' ),13        'no'  => esc_attr__( 'No', 'fusion-builder' ),14   ),15​16)Parameters type
( string ) input type. heading
( string ) Setting title. description
( string ) Short description about the setting field. param_name
 ( string ) Attribute name to be used in the shortcode. value
( array ) Array of pre-defined values.

Input Field – date_time_picker

Input Field – date_time_picker

You can use the date_time_picker input field to allow users to select date and time. See the below example about how you can use thedate_time_picker input field.
ExampleCopy to Clipboardarray(

'type' => 'date_time_picker',

'heading' => esc_attr__( 'Select date and time', 'fusion-builder' ),

'description' => esc_attr__( 'Add a short description for the field.', 'fusion-builder' ),

'param_name' => 'date_time',

'value' => '',

)​x 1array(2​3  'type'        => 'date_time_picker',4​5  'heading'     => esc_attr__( 'Select date and time', 'fusion-builder' ),6​7  'description' => esc_attr__( 'Add a short description for the field.', 'fusion-builder' ),8​9  'param_name'  => 'date_time',10​11  'value'       => '',12​13)Parameters type
( string ) input type. heading
( string ) Setting title. description
( string ) Short description about the setting field. param_name
 ( string ) Attribute name to be used in the shortcode. value
( string ) Default value for the date/time to be used.

Input Field – select

Input Field – select

You can use the select input field to allow users to select option from a dropdown of the pre-defined values. See the below example about how you can use select input field –
ExampleCopy to Clipboardarray(
'type' => 'select',
'heading' => esc_attr__( 'Select styles', 'fusion-builder' ),
'description' => esc_attr__( 'This field allows you to display dropdown of the pre-defined values.', 'fusion-builder' ),
'param_name' => 'styles',
'value' => array(
'green' => esc_attr__( 'Green', 'fusion-builder' ),
'darkgreen' => esc_attr__( 'Dark Green', 'fusion-builder' ),
'orange' => esc_attr__( 'Orange', 'fusion-builder' ),
'blue' => esc_attr__( 'Blue', 'fusion-builder' ),
'red' => esc_attr__( 'Red', 'fusion-builder' ),
) 1array(2  'type'        => 'select',3  'heading'     => esc_attr__( 'Select styles', 'fusion-builder' ),4  'description' => esc_attr__( 'This field allows you to display dropdown of the pre-defined values.', 'fusion-builder' ),5  'param_name'  => 'styles',6  'value'       => array(7        'green'     => esc_attr__( 'Green', 'fusion-builder' ),8        'darkgreen' => esc_attr__( 'Dark Green', 'fusion-builder' ),9        'orange'    => esc_attr__( 'Orange', 'fusion-builder' ),10        'blue'      => esc_attr__( 'Blue', 'fusion-builder' ),11        'red'       => esc_attr__( 'Red', 'fusion-builder' ),12   ),13)Parameters type
( string ) input type. heading
( string ) Setting title. description
( string ) Short description about the setting field. param_name
 ( string ) Attribute name to be used in the shortcode. value
( array ) Array of pre-defined values.

Input Field – checkbox_button_set

Input Field – checkbox_button_set

You can use the checkbox_button_set input field to allow users to select any combination of available options from a list of pre-defined options. See the below example on how you can use checkbox_button_set input field.
ExampleCopy to Clipboardarray(

'type' => 'checkbox_button_set',

'heading' => esc_attr__( 'Select styles', 'fusion-builder' ),

'description' => esc_attr__( 'A short description of the field.', 'fusion-builder' ),

'param_name' => 'styles',

'value' => array(
'green' => esc_attr__( 'Green', 'fusion-builder' ),
'darkgreen' => esc_attr__( 'Dark Green', 'fusion-builder' ),
'orange' => esc_attr__( 'Orange', 'fusion-builder' ),
'blue' => esc_attr__( 'Blue', 'fusion-builder' ),
'red' => esc_attr__( 'Red', 'fusion-builder' ),

)​x 1array(2​3  'type'        => 'checkbox_button_set',4​5  'heading'     => esc_attr__( 'Select styles', 'fusion-builder' ),6​7  'description' => esc_attr__( 'A short description of the field.', 'fusion-builder' ),8​9  'param_name'  => 'styles',10​11  'value'       => array(12        'green'     => esc_attr__( 'Green', 'fusion-builder' ),13        'darkgreen' => esc_attr__( 'Dark Green', 'fusion-builder' ),14        'orange'    => esc_attr__( 'Orange', 'fusion-builder' ),15        'blue'      => esc_attr__( 'Blue', 'fusion-builder' ),16        'red'       => esc_attr__( 'Red', 'fusion-builder' ),17   ),18​19)Parameters type
( string ) input type. heading
( string ) Setting title. description
( string ) Short description about the setting field. param_name
 ( string ) Attribute name to be used in the shortcode. value
( array ) Array of pre-defined values.