You can use the range input field to allow users to drag and select the appropriate value using a slider interface. See below example about how you can use the range input field.
ExampleCopy to Clipboardarray(
'type' => 'range',
'heading' => esc_attr__( 'Font Size', 'fusion-builder' ),
'description' => esc_attr__( 'Select the font size to be used ( In pixel ).', 'fusion-builder' ),
'param_name' => 'font_size',
'value' => '14',
'min' => '10',
'max' => '72',
'step' => '1',
)x 1array(23 'type' => 'range',45 'heading' => esc_attr__( 'Font Size', 'fusion-builder' ),67 'description' => esc_attr__( 'Select the font size to be used ( In pixel ).', 'fusion-builder' ),89 'param_name' => 'font_size',1011 'value' => '14',1213 'min' => '10',1415 'max' => '72',1617 'step' => '1',1819)Parameters type
(string) input type. heading
(string) Setting title. description
(string) Short description about the setting field. param_name
(string) Attribute name to be used in the shortcode. value
(string) Default value to be set for the field. min
( string | number ) Minimum value required. The slider will start from this value. max
( string | number ) Maximum allowed value. The slider will end at this value. step
( string | number ) The value will be increased or decreased by this amount when you drag slider once forward or backward.