This new raw_textarea field does base64 encode the contents, so HTML can be used inside it, and will be properly displayed on the front-end. See below example about how you can use the raw_textarea input field –
ExampleCopy to Clipboardarray(
'type' => 'raw_textarea',
'heading' => esc_attr__( 'Infobox Content', 'fusion-builder' ),
'description' => esc_attr__( 'Custom styling setting only. Type in custom info box content to replace address string. For multiple addresses, separate info box contents by using the | symbol. ex: InfoBox 1|InfoBox 2|InfoBox 3.', 'fusion-builder' ),
'param_name' => 'infobox_content',
'value' => '',
) 1array(2 'type' => 'raw_textarea',3 'heading' => esc_attr__( 'Infobox Content', 'fusion-builder' ),4 'description' => esc_attr__( 'Custom styling setting only. Type in custom info box content to replace address string. For multiple addresses, separate info box contents by using the | symbol. ex: InfoBox 1|InfoBox 2|InfoBox 3.', 'fusion-builder' ),5 'param_name' => 'infobox_content',6 'value' => '',7)Params
type (string) Input type.
heading (string) Setting title.
description (string) Short description about the setting field.
param_name (string) Attribute name to be used in the shortcode.
value(string) Default value to be set for the field.