WordPress 5.3 And Avada Custom Image Size Generation

WordPress 5.3 And Avada Custom Image Size Generation

With the 5.3 WordPress update, a new way of saving additional image sizes to the database was introduced for when images are uploaded to the library. Unfortunately, this adjustment was not compatible with the internal naming convention for Avada』s custom image sizes.
The problem will only occur for images that are uploaded to WordPress 5.3 and versions of Avada prior to 6.1.2. For these images, Avada』s custom uncropped image sizes are not available as a choice in the sizes drop-down option in the media library when you insert them to a post or page. And some of the responsive image sizes won』t be available. Updating to Avada 6.1.2 resolves this issue.

The 3 Types Of Images And How They Are Affected

Images uploaded to your media library before updating to WordPress 5.3.

Images uploaded to your media library on WordPress 5.3, before the update to Avada 6.1.2.

Images uploaded to your media library on WordPress 5.3, after the update to Avada 6.1.2.
Images Uploaded Before Updating To WordPress 5.3Nothing to do here. These images work as expected, even for Avada versions older than 6.1.2. And of course, they also work fine on Avada 6.1.2 or later.
Images Uploaded To WordPress 5.3 Before The Update To Avada 6.1.2As mentioned above, the problem for images uploaded on WordPress 5.3, but prior to the update to Avada 6.1.2, is that you can』t select Avada』s custom uncropped image sizes in the sizes drop-down of the media library when you insert them into a post or page. In addition to that, some of the responsive image sizes won』t be available.
Unfortunately, this can』t be auto-fixed through a theme update, as WordPress has already stored the data incorrectly in the database. Still, there is an easy way to correct this. Install and activate the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin, then go to the Tools > Regen. Thumbnails tab in your WP Admin sidebar and choose 『Regenerate All Thumbnails.』 Doing this regenerates all images and adjusts the Avada custom image sizes to their new naming conventions. Once the regeneration is complete, it is business as usual.
Images Uploaded To WordPress 5.3 After The Update To Avada 6.1.2Nothing to do here. All images uploaded to WordPress are generated as expected on your Avada site.


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