Understanding Header Layouts

Understanding Header Layouts

With Avada 7.0 and up, you now have the ability to create fully customized header layouts on your Avada website, using the Header Builder in Avada Layouts, and the full design power of Avada Builder.
You can build a Header Layout from scratch using the wide range of Elements in Avada Builder, or you can get a head start on your Header, by importing a prebuilt one from Avada Studio. A Header layout can be global, meaning it will display on every page of the site, or it can be conditional, and just display on certain pages, categories, or custom post types etc. In that way, you can even have multiple headers, for different sections of your site.
Read on to Understand Header Layouts in Avada, and watch the video below for a visual overview.,Overview
The Avada Layouts Interface
Creating A Custom Layout
Creating A Custom Layout Section

Editing A Custom Layout Section
Adding An Avada Studio HeaderElements Of A Custom Header
Example Of A Custom Header

Setting Conditions For A Conditional Layout

Conclusion,The Avada Layouts InterfaceA Custom Header is technically a Layout Section that you add to a Layout. See Introducing Layouts in Avada for a general overview of Layouts, and Understanding Layout and Layout Sections to understand the difference between the two parts of the a Layout, but for now, let』s now look at creating a Custom Header Layout Section.
You can find Layouts at Avada > Layouts. This interface is where you both create and manage your Layouts and Layout Sections in Avada. Initially, there is just a Global Layout, and by default this is empty, with no attached Layout Sections, as can be seen below.,Creating A Custom LayoutYou can add a Header Layout Section to the Global Layout, or to a Conditional Layout, set to only show on specific custom post types, or evben single pages etc. The Global Layout is already there by default, but for a Conditional Layout, we have to first create a Layout.
Creating a Layout is done on the Layouts page, by simply adding an appropriate name and then clicking on Create New Layout, as can be seen below.,Editing a Custom Layout SectionWhen you first edit a new Layout Section, you come to the default WordPress Editor. From here, you can choose to use Avada Builder, or Avada Live. It is here we create our Custom Layout Sections. Please refer to Creating Layout Section Content for more information on this, but in short, you can build anything you want here.
Anything you can build in the Avada Builder can constitute the content of your Layout Sections. You can have multiple columns, background images, dynamic data… anything. The freedom this gives is enormous. The Layout Section is literally that – a section where can create the Layout. The content itself comes from the Builder, and what you can do is only limited by your imagination.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It』s important to note that when you have a Header Layout Section attached to a Global Layout, the Header Options in the Theme Options will not be available. Everything in the Header is controlled in the Layout Section by the content options and the Layout Section Options, the equivalent of the Page Options in Layout Sections.,Adding An Avada Studio HeaderAn easy way to get started with a Custom Header is to use Avada Studio to add a Header to your Header Layout Section. Headers are just one type of pre-designed content you can add with Avada Studio, which you can then customize to meet your own requirements. There is a wide range of different Header designs you can import into your Layout Section, as a starting point for your own Custom Header, with more being added to Avada Studio regularly.
Adding a Studio Header to your Layout is very easy. When you first edit your newly created Header Layout Section in Avada Builder, just click on the Avada Studio link on the Starter Page, and the Library will open on the Studio tab, with all the available headers ready to import.,Elements of a Custom HeaderFor a Custom Header, one essential element would likely be the new Menu Element. This is the only specifically new Design Element made for the Header Builder, and has a huge range of features to configure and display your menu in multiple ways.
The Image Element is another Element that will likely be in most Header designs, and this has been expanded, so you can use it to place your logo into your Header Layout as either an image or Dynamic Data. And remember, that with the Header Builder, you can use any Design Elements to complete your design, so depending on your design you might also use any number of other Elements.
For a Header Layout, there are also options in the Container and Column Elements you can use, such as Conditional Rendering, Container Background Options, Sticky Containers, Container Offset, Responsive Options Sets, Sticky Visibility options and many more. Please see the Container and Column Element docs for full details on their new features. The choice and the design are completely up to you, and the entire design flexibility of Avada Builder is at your fingertips.
View the Menu Element Doc for Full information on the new Menu Element,Example Of A Custom HeaderAs mentioned, there are almost no limits for what you can create using the Header Builder. As an example, see below for the Header Layout design of the Pet Supplies Website. As you can see below in Wireframe view, it is a multi-container layout, using many of the features available in Avada, including the Menu Element, a dynamic logo, Custom Column widths, a Sticky middle Container with additional Elements that only have Sticky Visibility, as well as responsive changes in Tablet and Mobile layouts.
The top Container holds the logo, search bar, some text, and the WooCommerce Cart icons. The middle container holds the main menu, which itself has sub-menus and a mega menu, and a logo and another two menus with visibility options applied, so that they only show when the Container becomes Sticky. The last Container just has a tiled background image and three text blocks with icons and text. The Header also makes good use of the new Responsive Option Sets feature, displaying a different header layout for both Tablet and mobile.
Make sure to watch the How To Create A Custom Header video, embedded at the top of the page, to see further details of this truly custom header.
See below for an example of what this Header looks like in Desktop view, but to truly get a good feeling for all that』s going on in this Custom Header, it should be experienced on the live site, which you can access here.,Setting Conditions For A Conditional LayoutWith a Global Layout, there are no Conditions. This is because it』s global, and any Layout Sections added to it will be used on every page. If, however, you wanted a Custom Header just on some pages of your site, you』d need to add a Header Layout Section to a Conditional Layout.
With any Conditional Layout, you need to set the conditions of the layout. This is best done last, because as soon as you set the conditions, the layout is active, and if you do this after first creating the Layout Section, but before editing it, the pages displayed that fit the conditions would be empty in those sections.
To add a condition, or conditions, simply mouse over the bottom of the Layout, and choose Add A Condition. This brings up the Layout Conditions Dialog. Please see Understanding Conditional Layouts for more information on Conditional Layouts.
In the example of the Pet Supplies Website, there is also a Conditional Custom Header, which only displays on one page, the Alternate Home Page. See below for the Conditions set to achieve that, and further below for an example of what that Header looks like on the Alternative Home page.,ConclusionWith Avada Layouts, creating a Custom Header is not only now a reality, but more like an unlimited possibility. Not only can you use the full power of Avada Builder to create almost any Header you can conceive of, and thanks to the power of Conditional Layouts, you can also show, or hide, the Header on any page, category, custom post type, or any combination of conditions you can think of. And with Avada Studio, adding a new Header is as easy as it gets.
Avada Layouts is a game changer in the true sense of the word. It enables such freedom of design, and gives such flexibility in deployment, that building Headers will simply never be the same again.


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