Translation Basics

Translation Basics

If you are new to translating WordPress, you』re in the right place! In general, internationalization and localization (commonly abbreviated as i18n and l10n respectively) are terms used to describe the effort to make WordPress available in languages other than English for people from different locales. The actual localization is done using the GNU gettext framework, which is used by WordPress itself including the themes and plugins.
In order to make WordPress recognize the language to which you want to translate the core WordPress, the theme or the plugins, you have to define the language within the wp-config.php file or change a setting within the dashboard. The process is dependent on the WordPress version and is described below:
For Pre-WordPress 4.0 versionsTo Translate WordPress, Avada Or Plugins, Follow These Steps.Step 1 – Login to your FTP account and edit the wp-config.php file.
Step 2 – In the wp-config.php file, look for WPLANG constant which looks like:
Copy to Clipboarddefine('WPLANG', ''); 1define('WPLANG', '');If the constant is not available in the wp-config.php file, please add it anywhere in a new line.
Step 3 – Define the WPLANG constructor by adding the ISO Language code of your language. The names consist of locals, a combination of language and regional dialect. For example, if you were translating to Deutsch language, change the WPLANG constant to look like the following code:
Copy to Clipboarddefine('WPLANG', 'de_DE');xxxxxxxxxx1 1define('WPLANG', 'de_DE');IMPORTANT NOTE – First 2 characters of a language code define the Language, the last 2 characters define the Country. Click here for more information on the ISO Language Codes.For WordPress 4.0 and aboveTo Translate WordPress, Avada Or Plugins, Just Follow This Step.Step 1 – Change the language in the admin settings screen, Settings > General > Site Language, to your desired language.


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