Section Separator Element

Section Separator Element

The Section Separator Element is a great way to add stylish sections to your website. Our section separators have been designed to give you the ultimate in page compartmentalization flexibility, and to aid you in making your website legible, logical, and beautiful…all at the same time.
With Avada 7.2, we have added even more section separators, bringing the total to 20 different separator styles, each with their own options. If you』d like to learn how to add them to your site, as well as understand the different styles and options available, please continue reading below, and watch the video for a visual overview.,Separator Section Example
This style displays the section separator as a big triangle shape. You can position the triangle to point to the left, center or right. You can also choose to display it on the top or bottom and choose it』s background color.,View Element Demo Page!,Overview
Section Separator Style
How To Use The ElementElement OptionsGlobal Options,Section Separator StylesAs of Avada 7.2, Avada』s Section Separator Element now has 20 styles, with an increased range of options. These styles provide a wide range of creative design capabilities for your website. Remember to view the Element Demo Page for visual examples of each style of separator section.

Triangle – This style displays a small triangle on the center of the page. You can position the triangle to display either on top or the bottom or both. You can also set an icon, icon color, border, and border color, and background color.

Slant – This style displays the Section Separator as a slant on the page. You can position the section separator to slant left or right, and to display on the top or bottom. You can also choose it』s background color.

Big Triangle – This style displays the section separator as a big triangle shape. You can position the triangle to point to the left, center or right. You can also choose to display it on the top or bottom and choose its background color.

Rounded Split – This style displays the section separator as a rounded split. You can only display this style in the middle, but you can set it to display on the top or bottom, and you can choose its background color.

Curved – This style displays the section separator as a slanted curve. You can position the section separator to slant to the left or right, and display it on the top or bottom. You can also choose its background color.

Big Half Circle – This style displays the section separator as a half circle. You can only position this style to display either on top or on the bottom. You can also choose a background color for this style.

Clouds – This style displays the section separator as a cloud-shaped border. This style doesn』t have any position options, and will only display in the center and on top. You can, however, set its background color.

Horizon – This style displays the section separator as a converging point on the horizon, with multiple levels of opacity. You can position this style to display either on top or on the bottom. You can also choose a background color for this style.

Waves – This style displays the section separator as a wave. You can position the section separator to the left or right, and display it on the top or bottom. You can also choose its background color.

Waves Opacity – This style displays the section separator as a wave with multiple levels of opacity. You can position the section separator to the left or right, and display it on the top or bottom. You can also choose its background color.

Waves Brush – This style displays the section separator as a wave. You can control the height of the separator section, choose how many times it repeats horizontally, as well as position the section separator to the left or right, and display it on the top or bottom. You can also choose its background color.

Hills – This style displays the section separator as rolling hills. You can only display this style in the middle, but you can set it to display on the top or bottom, and you can choose its background color.

Hills Opacity – This style displays the section separator as rolling hills with multiple levels of opacity. You can only display this style in the middle, but you can set it to display on the top or bottom, and you can choose its background color.

Grunge – This style displays the section separator with a messy, grungy style. You can control the height of the separator section, choose how many times it repeats horizontally, as well as position the section separator to the left or right, and display it on the top or bottom. You can also choose its background color.

Music – This style displays the section separator with multiple lines like bars of sound. You can control the height of the separator section, choose how many times it repeats horizontally, as well as position the section separator to the left or right, and display it on the top or bottom. You can also choose its background color.

Paper – This style displays the section separator as if it』s ripped paper. You can control the height of the separator section, choose how many times it repeats horizontally, as well as position the section separator to the left or right, and display it on the top or bottom. You can also choose its background color.

Squares – This style displays the section separator with multiple squares of varying size. You can control the height of the separator section, choose how many times it repeats horizontally, as well as position the section separator to the left or right, and display it on the top or bottom. You can also choose its background color.

Circles – This style displays the section separator with multiple circles of varying size. You can control the height of the separator section, choose how many times it repeats horizontally, as well as position the section separator to the left or right, and display it on the top or bottom. You can also choose its background color.

Paint – This style displays the section separator as if painted with a brush. ou can control the height of the separator section, choose how many times it repeats horizontally, as well as position the section separator to the left or right, and display it on the top or bottom. You can also choose its background color.

Grass – This style displays the section separator as grass. You can control the height of the separator section, choose how many times it repeats horizontally, as well as position the section separator to the left or right, and display it on the top or bottom. You can also choose its background color.

Splash – This style displays the section separator as splashin liquid. You can control the height of the separator section, choose how many times it repeats horizontally, as well as position the section separator to the left or right, and display it on the top or bottom. You can also choose its background color.
View The Full Range of Section Separator Styles In Action!767,650 Businesses Trust Avada
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Get Avada,How To Use The Section Separator ElementThere are multiple ways to set up a separator section, so let』s look at a common example. Here, we will look at the Avada Classic Prebuilt Website Home Page.

Step 1 – The Separator Section Element is designed to transition between two separate sections of the page. To this end, there are some conditions for the container that the separator section will be in. In our example, the Separator Section Element will be at the bottom of the container. It』s important that the Container does not have any padding at the bottom and that the Column does not have any padding or margin at the bottom. As we can see from the below screenshot, the top container has a background image, as well as a normal column layout with content. At the bottom of the content, the Separator Section Element has been placed.
Step 2 – Select the desired Section Separator Style and style settings. In this example, the Waves Opacity option has been selected, with the Horizontal Position set to Left and the Vertical Position set to Top. For the transition to the next container to work smoothly, the Background Color of the Section Separator should be the same color as the background color of the following container. Here, it has been set to white.
Step 3 – Add a new container. Ensure the background color of the Container is the same as has been set in the Section Separator Element. Add your content as usual.

That』s it. As mentioned, there are a lot of ways to use these section separators, so you will have to adjust the setting to suit your situation, but the basic principle is the same.,Element OptionsLocation: The edit screen within each Element.
You can deploy as many individual Elements in pages and posts as you need, there is no limit. Within each of the Elements, you will see a tab or tabs that house an array of options that make it possible for you to configure each Element independently, and greatly enhance your flexibility and creative options.
Note: The Default setting will use the global settings assigned for this element in the Global Options > Avada Builder Elements > Section Separator section. Also, please note that the displayed options screens below show ALL the available options for the element. If you have Avada』s Option Network Dependencies turned on, you will only see options relevant to your selections, and so the options screen may look somewhat different.
General TabStyle – Controls the style of the section separator. Choose between Triangle, Slant, Big Triangle, Rounded Split, Curved, Big Half Circle, Clouds, Horizon, Waves, Waves Opacity, Waves Brush, Hills, Hills Opacity, Grunge, Music, Paper, Circles, Squares, Paint, Grass, or Splash.
Custom SVG File – You can now upload your custom SVG separator. SVG file should include attribute preserveAspectRatio=」none」 for best work in combination with custom height or repeat option.
Height – Controls the height of the Section Separator. Enter value including any valid CSS unit, ex: 200px. Leave empty to use default. Some styles may not have these settings available. Please see the Section Separator Styles section to learn more.
Repeat – Choose how many times the Section Separator should repeat horizontally. Some styles may not have these settings available. Please see the Section Separator Styles section to learn more.

Horizontal Position – Controls the section separator』s horizontal position. Some styles may not have these settings available. Please see the Section Separator Styles section to learn more.

Vertical Position – Controls the section separator』s vertical position. Some styles may have variation in these settings. Please see the Section Separator Styles section to learn more.

Icon – Choose an icon for your Separator Section. Click an icon to select, click again to deselect. (Only for Triangle Style)

Icon Color – Choose a color for the icon. Leave empty for the default value. (Only for Triangle Style)

Border – Choose a border width for the separator section. In pixels. Leave empty for the default value. (Only for Triangle Style)

Border Color – Choose a border color for the separator section. In pixels. Leave empty for the default value. (Only for Triangle Style)

Element Visibility – Choose to show or hide the element on small, medium or large screens. You can choose more than one at a time.

CSS Class – Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.

CSS ID – Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.
View The Options ScreenDesign Tab
Margin – In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%.

Background Color – Controls the background color of the separator style. Leave empty for default value.
View The Options ScreenGlobal OptionsLocation: Avada > Options > Avada Builder Elements > Section Separator.
The Avada Advanced Options Network gives you amazing flexibility with additional Global Options that allows you to control individual Elements en masse.

Section Separator Border Size – Controls the border』s thickness. Accepts a pixel value. For example, 5px.

Section Separator Background Color – Controls the separator』s background color. Accepts a hexcode. For example, #000000.

Section Separator Border Color – Controls the border』s color. Accepts a hexcode. For example, #000000.
View The Options Screen


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