Prebuilt Website Content Fails

Prebuilt Website Content Fails

If you attempt to import an Avada prebuilt website and it fails, it is most likely going to be due to low server limits. Please continue reading for more details on how to fix this. If you have duplicate menu items or other duplicate prebuilt website content, please read and follow How To Remove Duplicate Prebuilt Website Content After Import documentation. NOTE: This issue won』t be possible for sites using Avada 5.2 or higher due to changes in the Prebuilt Website Import process.
Likely Causes For Demo Import FailuresYour PHP memory, max file upload size, and/or PHP time limit is set too low.Your webhost uses process watching software that prevents bulk processing on their web servers.You have WP Debug enabled, for information on disabling that, see this post in the WordPress codex.Recommended PHP LimitsIf the import fails there will be a notice in a popup letting you know the demo failed to import. There will also be some initial troubleshooting suggestions letting you know where to look first to resolve the problem. You』ll want to ensure you have at least the below PHP limits for the import to complete. These values can be checked on the System Status page.
max_execution_time 180memory_limit 128Mpost_max_size 32Mupload_max_filesize 32MAvada System Status PageIf you』re using Avada 3.8 or higher, you will be able to check the current server limits set for your WordPress site. When checking the System Status page, you』ll want to look for any red notices on PHP time limit or PHP Memory / WP Memory. In the red notice will be a recommended limit for the value. Contact your hosting provider and request they increase the limit(s) to the recommended value(s), then try the demo import again. You can also see our post for increasing these limits yourself here.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The System Status tab feature is only available in Avada version 3.8 or higher.


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