Pre-made vs Custom Widget Areas

Pre-made vs Custom Widget Areas

Avada includes 5 areas of the theme that are widget ready (which means they can display widget areas). Some of these areas already have pre-made widget areas for you to add widgets into, such as the Footer Widget Areas, the Sliding Bar Widget Areas, and the Blog Sidebar. Other areas do not have pre-made widget areas and can display both pre-made widget areas, or any custom widget area you create.
Read below for further information on the differences between pre-made and custom widget areas, and the 5 Widget Ready Areas in Avada.
Pre-Made vs Custom Widget AreaPre-Made Widget Area – Pre-made widget areas are already created widget areas for certain areas of the theme. Therefore, you don』t need to create a widget area for them, you can simply add widgets to the pre-made widget areas directly. The footer columns and sliding bar columns both have pre-made widget areas based on the number of columns you choose to display. You can set how many columns to display for the footer in the Avada > Options > Footer panel, and in the Avada > Options > Sliding Bar panel for sliding bar.
Custom Widget Area – Custom widget areas are widget areas you can create yourself in the Appearance > Widgets tab on your WordPress admin panel. These custom widget areas can be assigned to sidebars, mega menu columns and the Avada Builder widget element. In addition, sidebars, mega menu columns and the Avada Builder Widget Element areas can also take pre-made widget areas if you wish.
The 5 Widget Ready Areas in AvadaFooter Columns – Footer columns have pre-made widget areas based on the number of footer columns you choose in the Avada > Options > Footer panel. See our Adding Footer Widgets article for more information.Sliding Bar Columns – Sliding bar columns have pre-made widget areas based on the number of sliding bar columns you choose in the Avada > Options > Sliding Bar panel. See our Setting Up The Sliding Bar article for more information.Sidebars – You can assign widget areas to both single and dual sidebars. See our Assigning Sidebars article for more information.Mega Menu Columns – You can assign widget areas to mega menu columns. See our Using The Mega Menu article for more information.
Fusion Builder Widget Area Element – You can assign any widget area to any page or post using the Fusion Builder Widget Area element. Simply add the element to your page, then select the widget area you wish to display from the dropdown menu. See our Widget Area Element article for more information.


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