Important Update Info

Important Update Info

Latest Version: Avada 7.6(Released on December 15th, 2021)
With each new Avada update comes incredible new features, new options, code improvements and fixes. Our team takes the utmost care in creating updates and ensuring everything is fully tested, both by our team as well as a large group of beta customers. It is important that we communicate to our customers any important items that need to be taken into consideration when updating. This post is dedicated to relaying that information to you any time a new major version of Avada is released.

View all the important update information for past updates

View the system requirements for Avada and WordPress
View this update』s latest new features
Updating Avada from Older Versions?
How To Update The Avada Website BuilderAvada Changelog,Avada 7.6 Important Update InformationIMPORTANT NOTE: It is always best practice and recommended to complete a full database backup before you update any software. Below are specific items that are important to be aware of when updating to Avada 7.6. Please read them in detail.1. Removed 「Enable CSS Variables」 optionAvada 7.6 removes the 「Enable CSS Variables」 Global Option. This has long served as a fallback option to allow compatibility with Internet Explorer, which does not understand CSS variables. Since the support of Internet Explorer was dropped in WordPress, 5.8, and Avada 7.4, CSS variables can now be used in all modern browsers. For performance and reasons and for better compatibility with future features, we have removed this option, which means, that Avada』s CSS will now rely on CSS variables.
There should not be any changes in front-end appearance, but it is good to check your site after updating, as there might be some minor differences in a few edge cases.
2. New Global Color SystemAvada 7.6 introduces a whole new global color system, which you can learn more about in our documentation. When updating your site, Avada will try to automatically detect the most important colors on your site and will create a global color palette accordingly for you. Any color setting you want to change or for any element that you add, you can easily use the new global colors then. For your existing post/page content though, no automatic mapping to the global colors will be performed, to avoid any update issues.
3. Changes Social Links Element Color OptionsIn Avada 7.6 we have introduced a new global color system and new color picker options. Additionally we have added options to control normal and hover states for the icons, globally and within the element.In some cases, that cn lead to changes in the hover colors of social links.
In order to allow the social link items to work with this new color system, we have also removed the ability to specify pipe-separated (|) color values.
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Get Avada,General Update Information1. Always Backup Your Current SetupIt』s always a good idea to make sure that you have a current backup of your web site, including your wp-content folder, your wp-config.php file, and your .htaccess file in your WordPress installation folder, and a copy of your WordPress database. You can use these to revert back to your original site if something unforeseen happens during the update process. If you are not familiar with how to do this yourself, there are several plugins available that completely automate that process for you, such as: UpDraft Plus and WordPress Backup Buddy. If you are using the Revolution Slider and have added custom CSS, please make a backup of the styles because those will be removed when you update. You can also backup your Avada Theme Options on the Backup tab in Appearance > Theme Options > Backup.
2. Do Not Keep Older Copies of The Theme In WP Theme FolderYou should completely remove all previous Avada theme folders before adding the new updated theme folder, or you could end up with WP path issues, etc.
3. Do Not Rename The Theme FolderIf you rename your theme folder when you update, then the path is no longer valid. WordPress stores menus and widget settings and some other settings by folder path. You need to rename your theme folder back to what it was before, and your settings, menus, widgets will be restored. Make a copy of your current theme folder before you upload the new theme.
4. Reset Theme Cache, Browser Cache, Server Cache And Plugin CacheIt is always recommended to reset all caching systems after an update, including theme cache, your browser, plugin (e.g. W3 Total Cache), and server cache. Visual issues may happen and more often than not, its caused by caches, and they need to be emptied. Each browser allows you to remove cookies, history and other data. If your theme or Avada Core version is not updated after uploading the new files, it is due to a server-side caching system. Some hosting providers have server-side cache systems installed to optimize the speed of content delivery, please clear any server-side cache or ask your host to do it. This is also true for google pagespeed setups or cloudflare setups. View our general cache information that describes the various forms of cache and how to clear them.
For Avada versions 5.1 and higher there is a special button in Theme Options, called 「Reset Fusion Caches」 that lets you reset the theme cache. You can find it by going to Avada > Theme Options > Advanced > Dynamic CSS & JS. In Avada 5.8, this is now found in Avada > Theme Options > Performance > Dynamic CSS & JS.
5. Update The Child ThemeIf you have copied template files from parent theme to child theme. Please make sure to revert to parent theme first to confirm if the issue exists there too. If it doesn』t, please update the templates copied to child theme with the parent theme.
If the style.css of your child theme is not enqueued after you have updated to Avada 7.2 you need to edit child theme』s functions.php file and replace the enqueue function with the following:
Copy to Clipboardfunction theme_enqueue_styles() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'child-style', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/style.css', [] );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'theme_enqueue_styles', 20 ); 1function theme_enqueue_styles() {2 wp_enqueue_style( 'child-style', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/style.css', [] );3}4add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'theme_enqueue_styles', 20 );Note that the enqueue function in Avada versions prior to 7.2 looks very similar. In the above snippet lines 2 and 4 are slightly changed.
This change needs to be made, because of a performance enhancement that was added to Avada 7.2. The parent theme』s avada-stylesheet is now part of our compiled style file, which reduces the number of GET requests made to the server.
Before Avada 7.2, the child theme listed the parent theme』s stylesheet file (avada-stylesheet) as dependency. Since that file is now added to the compiled CSS file, the dependency needs to be removed from the child theme』s style.css file, in order for it to be enqueued.
6. Required & Recommended Plugins Must Be UpdatedWhen you update the theme, you will see a notification message in your admin telling you the required and recommended plugins need to be updated. Follow the onscreen prompts to install the plugin updates. Our Avada Core plugin is the only required plugin and it has to be installed and activated for theme features to work. Make sure you are always using the most recent version of the Avada Core plugin. You will be prompted to install it upon installing or updating your theme. If you dismiss the prompt or do not see it, then you can go to Appearance > Install Plugins page and install the plugin that way. Every time you update the theme, the plugin also needs updated.
View Detailed Instructions on How To Update The Avada Website Builder


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