How To Make Recent Posts Thumbnails All The Same Size

How To Make Recent Posts Thumbnails All The Same Size

The Recent Posts Element pulls your blog posts and displays them wherever you place the shortcode.
The Standard layout option uses larger thumbnails, and those thumbnails are scaled down proportionately to be the same width. If your images are of different aspect ratios (horizontal width vs vertical height), then the shortcode thumbnails can be a different height. If you prefer that your thumbnails are all the same height, as you see on our live demos, then you need to do one of the two following things.
Option 1 – Make sure all your images are the same size or aspect ratio. If your image are all 400x300px for example, then the thumbnails will be the same size. If one image is 400×300, and the other one is 800×600, they will still be the same size thumbnails because those aspect ratios are the same. So, ensure your images are the same size, or the same ratio.
Option 2 – The other option is to make sure your images are at least 700 x 441px in size. If your images are that size or larger, then your recent post thumbnails will all be generated at the same height.


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