Custom Fonts

Custom Fonts

Typography options abound when using Avada. You can use standard font families, such as Arial, Helvetica etc, you can select from hundreds of Google Fonts, and if that』s not enough, you can even upload custom fonts to use anywhere on your site. Read below to find out more.
How To Upload A Custom FontIn Avada 4.0 or higher, you can now upload unlimited custom fonts to your site and assign them to any area of the site that has a font-family option. To learn how to upload and use custom fonts, please continue reading below.
Step 1 – Download the custom font you』d like to use and make sure you receive all 5 web font files; .woff2, .woff, .ttf, .svg, and .eot. Each one is required.
Step 2 – Navigate to Avada > Theme Fusion > Typography > Custom Fonts.
Step 3 – In this panel, there will be a repeater field where you can upload each of the 5 web font files you』ve downloaded. For example, upload the .woff2 font file to the 『WOFF2』 field, and so on.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you get an error when uploading your fonts, such as: 『Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons』, a solution to this is to temporarily add this line to your wp-config.php file:
Copy to Clipboarddefine( 'ALLOW_UNFILTERED_UPLOADS', true ); define( 'ALLOW_UNFILTERED_UPLOADS', true );
If you are unsure how to do this, please seek help from your host.Step 4 – Once you』ve uploaded all the required font files to their respective fields, click the 『Save Changes』 button then refresh the page. After you refresh the page, you will now be able to select your new custom fonts. They will be listed under 『Custom Fonts』 on any Font Family option dropdown.
Step 5 – To add another custom font, simply click the 『Add』 button on the lower right side and repeat step 1 to step 4.
Step 6 – To delete a custom font, expand the custom font that you』d like to delete, then click the 『Delete』 button.


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