Avada License Information

Avada License Information

When purchasing Avada (or any WordPress theme) via the Themeforest marketplace, you have two licensing options; the Regular License, and the Extended License. The regular license will suffice for 99% of users. The purchasing process, invoicing, and licensing is facilitated by Envato.
Below, we have listed the nuts and bolts of the Regular License for you as a quick reference, as well as a section on how to transfer a License.
To learn more about what each License is for, we strongly recommend reading Themeforest』s official licensing terms.
The Nuts and Bolts of the Regular LicenseThings you can doThe Regular License grants you, the purchaser, an ongoing, non-exclusive, worldwide license to make use of Avada.You are licensed to use Avada to create one single website (end product), for yourself or for one client.
That website is an end product, created through customization within Avada, which requires an application of skill and effort to be created.
You can create one website (end product) for a client, and you can transfer that single website (end product) to your client for any fee. This license is then transferred to your client.You can use Avada and can combine it with other works and plugins to create your single website (end product), which is subject to the terms of the license. You can do these things as long as the end product you then create is one that』s permitted by the license.Things you can』t doYou can』t sell the website (end product) to more than one client.
You can』t re-distribute Avada as stock, in a tool or template, or with source files.
Although you can modify Avada and therefore change components before creating your single website (end product), you can』t extract and use a single component of Avada on a stand-alone basis.
You must not permit an end user of the website (end product) to extract Avada and use it separately from the website (end product).

You can』t use the Avada or ThemeFusion logo, or any trademarks associated with ThemeFusion.
Avada License/Registration Q&APlease see the Avada License/Registration Q&A linked below, for answers to many commonly asked questions about licensing and registration.
Read The Avada License/Registration Q&AResourcesAvada License/Registration Q&ARegister Avada Using Your Purchase CodeLocating Your Theme Purchase Code On ThemeforestAvada Grandfathered SupportSetting Up Your Support Account


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