Avada Builder History Feature

Avada Builder History Feature

The Avada Builder includes a useful feature called History. This feature tracks the last 25 actions that have been performed in the editor and allows you to revert back to any state before or after an action. To learn how to use this feature, continue reading below.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This feature is only available in Avada 5.0 and up.Read About Avada Builder』s Tools and IconsHow To Use The History FeatureStep 1 – Activate Avada Builder, or Avada Live.
Step 2 – Create your page layout as you』d like. Each action you make is recorded under the History icon as a history state. In the back end editor, the History Icon is found on the right uppermost corner of the Avada Builder toolbar. In Avada Live, the History Icon is on the left side, the 4th icon along on the toolbar.
Step 3 – Once you click the 『History』 icon, you』ll see all your actions in a list. To revert to a particular history state, simply click the history state in the list. You can jump between any history state in the History list as often as you wish, until you save.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Saving or refreshing the page will reset your history states.


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