Assigning Widget Areas

Assigning Widget Areas

In Avada, you can create your own custom Widget Areas and also use our pre-made ones. Once you have populated the Widget Area of your choice with your widgets, it can be assigned to a Widget Ready Areas. To learn more about adding widgets to a Widget Area please see our corresponding doc: Adding Widgets to Widget Areas.
You can think of a Widget Ready Area as part of a page that is specifically there to display Widget Areas which have been created in Appearance > Widgets of your WordPress dashboard. Avada comes with five Widget Ready Areas. These are the Footer columns, Sliding Bar columns, Sidebars, Mega Menu columns, and the Avada Builder Widget Area Element.
The Footer columns and Sliding Bar columns Widget Ready Areas automatically have their corresponding pre-made Widget Areas assigned and display in fixed parts of the page. These will be displayed in ascending order on the front-end.
The Sidebars and Mega Menu columns Widget Ready Areas also display in fixed parts of the page, but these can have either pre-made or custom Widget Areas assigned to them. So, besides any of your custom Widget Areas you could for example also display Footer Widget 1 area in a sidebar.
Finally, the Widget Area Element is the most flexible one. It can be placed in any part of the page via the Avada Builder and can have any Widget Area assigned to it, either pre-made or custom.
Continue reading below for detailed instructions on how to assign or add Widget Areas to each Widget Ready Area, and watch the video for a visual overview.
Footer ColumnsYou can enable footer columns and select how many to display by going to the Avada > Options > Footer panel. You can display up to 6 columns on your footer. Please follow the link below to read more about assigning widgets to the footer.
Read Our 『Adding Footer Widgets』 ArticleSidebarsSidebars are containers that accept widget areas. You can enable sidebars on different sections of your site in the Avada > Options > Sidebars panel, or on the Fusion Page Options on each page or post.
Read Our 『Assigning Widget Areas To Sidebars』 ArticleSliding Bar ColumnsYou can enable sliding bar columns and select how many to display by going to the Avada > Options > Sliding Bar panel. You can display up to 6 columns. Please click the button below to read more about assigning widgets to the sliding bar.
Read Our 『Sliding Bar Setup』 ArticleWatch the 『How To Use The Sliding Bar』 VideoMega Menu ColumnsYou can enable the mega menu in the Appearance > Menus tab on your WP admin panel. You can have up to 6 columns on your mega menus. Please click the button below to read more about how to assign widgets areas to your mega menu.
Read Our 『Using The Mega Menu』 ArticleAvada Builder Widget Area ElementYou can use the Avada Builder Widget Area Element to add widget areas to any page or post you create. You can use the widget area element with any of the column elements to format the page. Please click the button below to learn more about the widget area element.
Read Our 『Widget Area Element 『 Article


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