For Avada versions preceding version 3.8To translate/change the words 「Go To」 in the mobile menu, you can do so by editing this file -> /functions.php located in the main Avada folder and searching for 「Go To」
For Avada versions 3.8 +To translate/change the words 「Go To」 in the mobile menu, you can do so by editing this file -> Avada/includes/class-avada-scripts.php and searching for 「Go To」
In addition, you can always translate 「Go To」 and any other string using our included translation files. See our Translation docs here.
標籤: how-to
How To Use Pagination In Avada
Pagination is the process of dividing a long document into discrete pages. There are quite a lot of pagination options in Avada, mostly covering blogs and portfolios, but also search pages, slideshows and third party plugins.
Read on for more information about how to use pagination in Avada, and watch the video for a visual overview.,Overview
Theme Options
Element Options
Third Party Plugin Pagination
Pagination Element
Next Page Element,Theme OptionsPagination options are sprinkled throughout the Theme Options, but a good place to start is the Extra > Pagination page. These are, of course, all Global options, and here you can adjust the stying of pagination throughout your site, including the third party plugins Avada has design integration with, like WooCommerce and The Events Calendar.
You can decide whether the pagination sizing should be based on the box width/height, or on its padding, and there are options for radius, which enables you to make the boxes circular, and things like font size and range.
But there are also pagination options for both the General Blog and Portfolio, as well as the Blog and Portfolio Single Post. One easy way to find all these options is to use the search function in the theme options. Entering 『pagination』 into the search field brings up all almost all results related to pagination throughout the theme.
For the General Blog and Portfolio options, which control the Blog when it is assigned via the Settings > Reading page, and Blog and Portfolio archives, as well as the Search Results Page, there are options to choose between Pagination, Infinite Scroll or the Load More Button.
For the Blog and Portfolio Single posts, there is an option to display the previous/next pagination on the page or not.
For Slideshows, there is an option to show pagination circles below a video slide for the slider element or not, and finally, in the Fusion Builder Elements page, there is an option for controling the default pagination type and separator color when using the Portfolio Element.
A few extra sets of pagination related options are found when searching for 『Load More』. These of course are the Load More Button Styling options found under General Blog, General Portfolio, and the Fusion Builder Elements page for both Blog and Portfolio Elements.
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Get Avada,Element OptionsAnd then of course, is the pagination option available when using Elements that can display pagination, such as the Blog and Portfolio Element. This option is called Pagination Type, and can locally override the global default set for the Blog and Portfolio Elements in the Theme Options > Fusion Builder Elements page.,Third Party Plugin PaginationThe Pagination options in the Theme Options also apply to third party plugins such as WooCommerce and The Events Calendar. You will find both page pagination, and also previous/next pagination on single items. And in the Events Element, you will find an option for the type of pagination you would like to use there, just like the Blog and Portfolio Elements.,Pagination ElementIn the Avada Theme Builder, there is also a Pagination Element available for Content Layout Sections. This Layout Section Element allows you to place pagination in your single post layouts, and unlike other Layout Section Elements, can be used twice in the lyaout, to faciliatate having pagination at both the top and the bottom of the page content.,Next Page ElementFinally, there is the Next Page Element. This special Element allows you to split a document up into separate pages, effectively creating your own pagination. This is achieved by inserting the Element between containers on a page (Add Container > Special > Next Page Element). Any content under the inserted Element would then go to a new page, and pagination is shown at the bottom of the pages.
You can use this Element as many times as you like on a document, which would allow you to take a very long document and split it up into however many pages you』d like.
OK, as you can see, there』s probably a lot more to pagination than you thought. But Avada is all about giving you options, and with pagination, it』s no different.
How To Use Youtube Video Parameters
Youtube offers a lot of parameters, that you can use in the video embed code, to have full control over your videos. Below are some links and a list of these parameters. All of the player controls for any YouTube player can be found in this Reference Doc.
Thanks to user jeffhd1ckey for submitting this idea!
Here is a list of the functions:
Deprecated parameters only used in the AS2 Player API
How To Upload And Use Custom Icons In Avada
With Avada, not only do you have access to the thousands of free Font Awesome icons, but you can also upload custom icon sets to use in Avada. Read on to see how this works, and watch the video for a visual overview.,View Element Demo Page!,Managing Custom Icon SetsCustom icon sets are created and managed through the interface found at Avada > Icons, from the WordPress Dashboard, or Icons, from the Avada Dashboard.
Here you can both create and manage custom icon sets. To make a new Custom Icon Set, give your set a name and click on Create New icon Set. This will take you to the Edit Icon Set page. From here, there is a link to the supported icon tool – Icomoon. This link will open in a new tab, and you can create your icon set. If you already have an icon set downloaded, you could just select the file, but let』s go through the process of creating one.
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Get Avada,Generating A Custom Icon SetHere in the Icomoon App, you can generate a custom icon set to upload. The first step is to select which icons you want in your Custom Icon set. There are a range of both free and paid icon packs you can import into the Icomoon App, and you can even import your own icons.
Once you have selected which icons you want in your set, you then generate the icon set, which you can then import into Avada. One important thing to note is that every icon pack you upload must have a unique Font Name and CSS Class Prefix before importing into Avada. You can change the Icomoon defaults in the preferences section before downloading your custom icon set, as seen below.
For a full rundown of what』s possible with the Icomoon App, please see their documentation.,How To Upload Your Custom Icon SetOnce you have generated and downloaded your custom font set, you now need to upload it to your site.
Back on the Edit Icon Set page, you will find a simple upload interface to upload your custom font set. (There is also a shortcut to this page in any element that has the Icon Picker. Here you will find a Plus button in the top right corner of the Icon Picker, which takes you straight to the Custom Icon page.),To upload a Custom Font Set, simply give the Icon Set a name, and then click on the Select Files button. Navigate to your icon set (as a zip file) and select it.
Then just click Publish in the right hand side. This will load the Custom Icon set. If you need to update the set later on, there is an Update Custom Icon Set button you can use to reupload the set, as seen below. The icons will now be available through the Icon Picker, in their own tab.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you create an Icon Set from the Avada > Icon page, the set will be saved immediately, before you even add the icons. And when you add icons, the set is auto saved. If you add an Icon set through the Plus button in the Icon Picker or by clicking Add New when on the Edit Icon Set page, the set will be unpublished until you click Publish.OK, that』s it. Your custom icon set is now installed. To use it, head to any element that uses an icon, including the Icon Element. There, you will see any custom icon sets at the top of the icon picker, and you can now just choose the set and select icons from that.
How To Use PWA (Progressive Web Apps) With Avada
The Progressive Web App (PWA) is one of the performance based features, added back in Avada 5.8. This provides new caching strategies to the Avada experience, and also allows your users to install your website as an app, for deeper user engagement. Read on to find out more about how to implement and use this exciting new tool.
Installing and Enabling Progressive Web AppIMPORTANT NOTE: To use the Avada Progressive Web App feature, your site must use HTTPS. Also, this is a quickly developing technology, and implementation of some features will vary across platforms and browsers.To enable the Progressive Web App, you first have to install the PWA plugin. To do this, head to Avada > Plugins / Add-ons, and install and activate the PWA plugin. This is a one click process.
Once the plugin has been installed and activated, you can enable PWA and set your options. To do this, head over to Avada > Options > Performance > Progressive Web App. At the bottom you will see the Progressive Web App section, and the Enable Progressive Web App option is the first one. By default, this option is turned off. Select On, and save your theme options to enable the Progressive Web App.
Caching OptionsOnce you have installed and enabled the Progressive Web App, you can choose your preferred caching strategy for each of the file types – Images, Scripts, Styles & Fonts. For specific details of each strategy, please see this Google Document, but basically, the strategies can be summarized like this:
Cache-First strategy file types – File types added in this list will be cached in the browser. Subsequent page requests will use the cached assets. Use this for static assets that don』t change like images and fonts.
Network-First strategy file types – File types added in this list will be cached in the browser. Subsequent page requests will first try to get a more recent version of these files from the network, and fallback to the cached files in case the network is unreachable. If your site』s content gets updated often we recommend you can use this for your content.
Stale-While-Revalidating strategy file types – Any file types added here will be served with a cache-first strategy, and after the page has been loaded the caches will be updated with more recent versions of the selected file types from the network. Use this for assets that may get updated but having their latest version is not critical.
App OptionsWith PWA, it』s also possible for the user to add your website as an app. It must be noted, that this is a developing technology, and the implementation for this feature is different across platforms and browsers. With Android and Chrome, for example, the user will get a prompt to install the site as an app, but on iOS, the feature only works on Safari, and there is no prompt. Users have to choose the Share option and select 『Add to Home Screen』.
The last three options allow you to choose a splash screen logo, select the App Display mode, and the App theme color. Again, implementation of these options are mixed. On iOS for example, fullscreen and minimal-ui won』t work (fullscreen will trigger stand alone, and minimal-ui will be just a shortcut to Safari), nor will the color options.
Splash Screen Logo – a 512 x 512px image that is used when prompting users to install the website as an app, and also in the splash screen that shows when they launch the app. The logo image must be in PNG format.
App Display Mode – If the user installs your site as an app, here you can select how the app will behave. Choose from Fullscreen, Stand Alone, Minimal UI, or Browser.
For more information about these options please refer to this document.
App Theme Color – This allows you to select a color that will be used for the header of your app, as well as the browser toolbar-color on mobile devices.
Clearing Persistent CacheService-worker caches are very persistent, so if you have the PWA plugin enabled, and you are debugging a website, you may want to reset caches from a separate tab in Chrome.
FiltersCopy to Clipboardavada_pwa_filetypes avada_pwa_filetypesFile: Avada/include/class-avada-pwa.php
Description: Used to add new filetypes or to edit existing filetypes that can be used in Avada's PWA
Default Value: Array of arrays with the parent level incides of images, fonts, scripts, styles, which hold the properties of these filetypes.ExamplesAdding a new file-typeThis will add the rules we want, and also make 「PDF」 available in the list of options we can choose from.
Copy to Clipboardadd_filter(
* Filter filetypes definitions and adjust their properties.
* @param array $filetypes The definitions for the service-worker caches.
* @return array The adjusted filetypes.
function( $filetypes ) {
// Add PDF caching as a new file-type.
$filetypes['pdf'] = array(
'label' => esc_html__( 'PDF', 'Avada' ),
'rule' => '^https://.*.(?:pdf)(?.*)?$',
'args' => array(
'cacheName' => 'fusion_documents',
'plugins' => array(
'expiration' => array(
// Cache 20 files.
'maxEntries' => 20,
// Cache for 1 day (value is in seconds).
'maxAgeSeconds' => 60 * 60 * 24,
// Purge cache when browser quota is reached.
'purgeOnQuotaError' => true,
return $filetypes;
);x 1add_filter(2 'avada_pwa_filetypes',3 /**4 * Filter filetypes definitions and adjust their properties.5 *6 * @param array $filetypes The definitions for the service-worker caches.7 * @return array The adjusted filetypes.8 */9 function( $filetypes ) {1011 // Add PDF caching as a new file-type.12 $filetypes['pdf'] = array(13 'label' => esc_html__( 'PDF', 'Avada' ),14 'rule' => '^https://.*.(?:pdf)(?.*)?$',15 'args' => array(16 'cacheName' => 'fusion_documents',17 'plugins' => array(18 'expiration' => array(1920 // Cache 20 files.21 'maxEntries' => 20,2223 // Cache for 1 day (value is in seconds).24 'maxAgeSeconds' => 60 * 60 * 24,2526 // Purge cache when browser quota is reached.27 'purgeOnQuotaError' => true,28 ),29 ),30 ),31 );3233 return $filetypes;34 }35);Change properties for existing file-typesCopy to Clipboardadd_filter(
* Filter filetypes definitions and adjust their properties.
* @param array $filetypes The definitions for the service-worker caches.
* @return array The adjusted filetypes.
function( $filetypes ) {
// Filter the Regex used for images.
$filetypes['images']['rule'] = '^https://.*.(?:png|gif|jpg|jpeg|svg|webp)(?.*)?$';
// Filter how many files will be cached for fonts.
$filetypes['fonts']['args']['plugins']['expiration']['maxEntries'] = 60;
// Filter expiration of caches for scripts & styles.
$filetypes['scripts']['args']['plugins']['expiration']['maxAgeSeconds'] = MONTH_IN_SECONDS;
$filetypes['styles']['args']['plugins']['expiration']['maxAgeSeconds'] = MONTH_IN_SECONDS;
return $filetypes;
);23 1add_filter(2 'avada_pwa_filetypes',3 /**4 * Filter filetypes definitions and adjust their properties.5 *6 * @param array $filetypes The definitions for the service-worker caches.7 * @return array The adjusted filetypes.8 */9 function( $filetypes ) {1011 // Filter the Regex used for images.12 $filetypes['images']['rule'] = '^https://.*.(?:png|gif|jpg|jpeg|svg|webp)(?.*)?$';1314 // Filter how many files will be cached for fonts.15 $filetypes['fonts']['args']['plugins']['expiration']['maxEntries'] = 60;1617 // Filter expiration of caches for scripts & styles.18 $filetypes['scripts']['args']['plugins']['expiration']['maxAgeSeconds'] = MONTH_IN_SECONDS;19 $filetypes['styles']['args']['plugins']['expiration']['maxAgeSeconds'] = MONTH_IN_SECONDS;2021 return $filetypes;22 }23);ResourcesThe PWA plugin on
More about Progressive Web Apps (PWA) from Google
Development of this plugin on GitHub
How To Work With Parent & Child Elements
Some Elements have a Parent and Child structure. These are Elements that can display multiple items, for example, the Checklist, Gallery, and the Slider Elements, to name a few. A full list is shown below.
There are Element Controls for the Parent Element, and separate controls for each Child Element. Read on for more information on this common Element type.
Parent/Child ElementsBelow is a list of all the Elements that can have a Parent/Child structure. To learn more about the available parameters of these specific Elements, follow the links below, or for all our other elements, please see our full Fusion Builder Elements List.,Checklists Element
Content Boxes Element
Counter Boxes Element
Counter Circles Element
Flip Boxes Element
Gallery Element
Image Carousel Element
Slider Element
Tabs Element
Testimonials Element
Toggles Element,Element SettingsWith a Parent/Child Elements, there is always 1 Parent, and as many Children as you wish. You can also edit each child item individually, as well as clone or delete them and easily rearrange their order. Below is a guide on the Parent/Child Element settings and what each button does.
Parent Settings – Illustrated as A. These are the global settings for the Element. Selecting an option here sets it globally for all items. To override it, simply select a different option in the individual item.
Child Element Items – Illustrated as B. This is where all your child element』s items are found. Each will be numbered to better keep track of how many you currently have. You can re-order elements by dragging them and dropping them into place.
Edit Item Icon – Illustrated as C. Allows you to edit the individual child items and adjust their options.
Clone Item Icon – Illustrated as D. Allows you to clone an item. Cloned items will automatically be added to the bottom of the items list.
Delete Item Icon – Illustrated as E. Allows you to delete an item.
Re-order Feature – Illustrated as F. Allows you to drag and drop the item to your desired order to re-arrange them.
Add New Item Button – Illustrated as G. Allows you to add a new item.,Parent/Child Elements In The Fusion Builder Live EditorWith the new Fusion Builder Live Editor, you will see separate Element Controls for the Parent Element and each Child Element added. If you edit the Parent Element, you can access the Child Elements as well, but if you just want to configure an individual Child Element, you can edit it directly.
As you can see in the image below, there are Parent Element Controls in the middle of the content, but hightlighted is one of the Child Element Controls. You can also see a dotted lined which shows which Child Element is selected.
How To Use Anchor Scrolling
Using anchors in Avada is a great way to direct your user』s attention to important information at the click of a link. The intention is that when a user clicks the anchor link they will be scrolled smoothly to the information further up/down the page. If the action is not smooth, this means that the JavaScript code isn』t firing and the anchor isn』t set up correctly. Please continue reading below to learn how to set up anchors properly.
Adding Anchor IDs To Sections
Adding Anchor LinksLinking To A Section On Another PageAnchor Linking To A Specific Toggle Or FAQ ItemWhy Underscores are added to anchor link addresses and how to remove itAdding Anchor IDs To SectionsBefore we can talk about Anchor Scrolling, you must first set up your Anchor IDs. Anchor IDs allow you to specifically target a section of a page by adding them to the start of those sections. There are 2 common ways of adding Anchor IDs depending on the section you』d like to target. To learn about these two methods and when to use each one, continue reading below.
『Name Of Menu Anchor』 Option In ContainersThe first method of adding Anchor IDs is to use the 『Name Of Menu』 option located in Container elements. This option lets you add an Anchor ID into the Container itself. When using this method, the user will scroll to the beginning of the Container. If you just want to generally point your users to a section, then use this method.
Step 1 – Create a new page or post, or edit an existing one.
Step 2 – Add your content by adding Containers and selecting your desired column layouts, then adding the Elements into the columns. Keep going until you』ve added all your desired content.
Step 3 – Now determine which Containers you』d like to target. On your chosen Container, click the 『Container Settings』 icon to bring up it』s options window.
Step 4 – Under the 『General』 tab, locate the 『Name of Menu Anchor』 option. In the text field, enter a unique Anchor ID. For example, aboutsection.
Step 5 – Once finished, click 『Save』. Repeat steps 3-4 for all the different Containers you』d like to target.
Menu Anchor ElementThe second method of adding Anchor IDs is to use the Menu Anchor element, this allows you to target a specific section. For example, if you』d like to target specific content, then you would place a Menu Anchor element directly above it. That way, the user scrolls directly to the content you』d like them to see rather than just the beginning of the section it』s part of.
Step 1 – Create a new page or post, or edit an existing one.
Step 2 – Add your content as normal then determine the content on the page you』d like to target.
Step 3 – Now we need to add the Menu Anchor element. To do this, add a 『1/1』 Column directly above the content you』re targeting by clicking the 『+ Columns』 button on the lower right side of the Container.
Step 4 – Once you』ve added the 『1/1』 column, click the 『+ Elements』 button to bring up the Elements window. Locate the 『Menu Anchor』 element and click it to bring up it』s options window.
Step 5 – In the 『Name』 field, enter a unique Anchor ID. For example, aboutme.
Step 6 – Once finished, click 『Save』. Repeat steps 3-5 for all the different content you』d like to target.
Adding Anchor LinksOnce you』re finished adding your Anchor IDs, it』s time to add your Anchor links. There are multiple ways to add Anchor Links into your content depending on where you』d like to place them. Continue reading below to learn more about each method, and when to use them.
Adding Anchor Links in Menu Items
One Page Text Link ElementAdding Anchor Links As ClassesAdding Anchor Links in Menu ItemsWhen you use anchors on your menu items, it will always automatically scroll to the corresponding section. To learn how to create one page websites or how to use anchors on your menus correctly, please read our Setting Up One Page article. If you want to use anchor links as well as normal links on your site, please read our One Page Menu With Multi-Page Links article.
One Page Text Link ElementYou can add anchor links using the One Page Text Link Element. This element is an Inline Element and can be inserted via the WordPress Content Editor. It can be used with any basic HTML elements like plain text and images. Continue reading below to learn how to add a One Page Text Link element.
Step 1 – Set up your Menu Anchors as instructed in the area 『Adding Anchor IDs To Sections』 above.
Step 2 – Add any element that allows for regular text to be inserted via the WordPress Content Editor. For example, the Text Block element.
Step 3 – Click the 『Settings』 icon on the Text Block element to bring up the Element Settings window.
Step 4 – Locate the WordPress content editor field. On the toolbar, you』ll find the Element Generator icon which looks like the Fusion Builder logo. Click the Element Generator to bring up the selection window.
Step 5 – Locate the 『One Page Text Link』 element, then click it to bring up it』s options window.
Step 6 – In the 『Name Of Anchor』 option, enter the anchor name of the section you』d like to link to with a hashtag ( # ). For example, if your anchor is aboutme, then you』ll need to enter #aboutme.
Step 7 – Once finished, click 『Insert』. You can then add content into the Text Block element as normal. Once you』re done, click 『Save』 to save your changes.
Adding Anchor Links As ClassesWhen you』re not using menu items or can』t use a One Page Text Link element, then you can try adding a custom class to the anchor itself. There are two classes you can add for different circumstances. These two classes are
Copy to Clipboardfusion-one-page-text-link 1fusion-one-page-text-linkOR
Copy to Clipboardfusion-menuxxxxxxxxxx1 1fusion-menuContinue reading below to learn when to use each one.
You can add the
Copy to Clipboardfusion-one-page-text-linkxxxxxxxxxx1 1fusion-one-page-text-linkclass to any link you add to Text Block elements, Checklist elements, Slider elements, etc. Basically, anytime you add a
Copy to Clipboardxxxxxxxxxx1 1 tag, you can also add
Copy to Clipboardclass="fusion-one-page-text-link"xxxxxxxxxx1 1class="fusion-one-page-text-link" into the
Copy to Clipboardxxxxxxxxxx1 1 tag. For example:
Copy to ClipboardClick Me!xxxxxxxxxx1 1Click Me!You can use the
Copy to Clipboardfusion-menuxxxxxxxxxx1 1fusion-menuclass if you』re adding anchor links to elements that has a 『Link』 option available. For example, elements such as Image Frames, Countdowns, Image Carousels, Content Boxes and etc. To set this up, insert the anchor link into the 『Link URL』 option then the
Copy to Clipboardfusion-menuxxxxxxxxxx1 1fusion-menu class in the 『Class』 option. To illustrate, refer to the image to the left.,Linking To A Section On Another PageIf you』re linking to a specific section of a page, from one page to another, you』ll need to use an Absolute Link rather than just a Relative Link. Continue reading below to learn how to correctly link to a section on another page.
Step 1 – Set up your Menu Anchors as instructed in the area 『Adding Anchor IDs To Sections』 above. This is where your menu item will scroll to.
Step 2 – You』ll need to use an Absolute Link to navigate to a different page as well as the element』s ID that you want to navigate to. That will look like
This will direct you to your homepage, then your browser will 「look」 for the #aboutme ID and scroll to that location.
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Get Avada,Anchor Linking To A Specific Toggle Or FAQ ItemIf you want to link to a specific toggle or FAQ item, this is now possible with Avada 7.2.1 and up.
Step 1 – Load page (for example,
Step 2 – Scroll to toggles and right click on specific toggle item, as seen in the screenshot below (eg.How do I Get Started)
Step 3 – Select copy link address to get URL (eg
Step 4 – You can then use that link directly as part of a Button Element etc.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This method this will work on page load or linking from a different page, but will not work on the same page, for example, through a button click. Also, If linking from an external source, you can add an underscore after the hash, as explained in the following section.,Underscore In The Anchor Link AddressLinking from one page to another while using anchor scrolling, will cause Avada to add an underscore character between the # character and the actual target ID (the anchor name). This can cause problems in some uses, but is required for triggering the theme』s smooth scrolling script.
There are instances where users may want the ability to remove the default underscore from the URL. (eg. when linking to a non-Avada area of your site; like a specific location in a PDF document OR off your site entirely.) When that is needed, you can add the class
Copy to Clipboard avada-noscroll xxxxxxxxxx1 1 avada-noscroll to the element or link.,Methods You Can Use To Add This Class To Your LinksWhen adding to an element, you can add the class to the Custom CSS area.When adding the link as a direct text link in the default editor, you can add it through a class attribute.If you』re adding your link through a Custom Link WordPress menu item, you can add it to the Custom Class field for the menu item.Note: If you do remove the underscore from the URL, it will disabling smooth scrolling for that link. So it shouldn』t be used unless you』re not intending on navigating with smooth scrolling.
How To Use The Color Picker In Avada
The Color Picker is found throughout Avada, in Global options, Page options and Element options. This is the primary tool for selecting colors throughout the site, and it』s important to understand how it functions. Let』s have a look.
At the very top is a color indicator. If there is no hexadecimal value present beside it, it indicates that the color value is coming from global options. If there is a hexadecimal code, it indicates that it has been added in this instance of the color picker. You can generate hexadecimal codes in graphics programs like Photoshop, and on many websites online.
While it』s an accurate way of selecting colors, you don』t have to enter a hexadecimal code. You can also just drag the hue selector around in the color field, and manipulate the range with the saturation slider and alternatively, the opacity slider. See below for more information on these sliders.
On the right hand side is the Global Color Palette icon. If you click this, you can assign the specific option color to any one of the colors on the Global Color Palette. This ties it in to that position on the Global Color Palette and affords you a powerful way to update colors across your site. See the How To Use The Global Color Palette for more information on this aspect of the Color Picker.,Saturation and OpacityThe Saturation and Opacity Sliders are also very powerful. If you reduce the Saturation slider, your colors will become more pastel. If you reduce the saturation to zero, then your color picker will only display tones, from white to pure black and everywhere in between.
If instead, you reduce the Opacity Slider, the Hexadecimal code will be replaced by an RGBA value. This value notates the Red, Green and Blue values of the color, as well as the Alpha value (opacity). This makes the color picker very powerful indeed, and in this way, you can choose from millions of colors for your website.
How To Use Captions On Image Based Elements
Captions are now easy to add to image based elements such as the Image Element, Image Carousel and the Gallery Element. You can find Captions on their own tab, and fully control the look and feel of how they display with a variety of design styles.
Read on to find out more about this awesome new feature for images, and watch the video below for a visual overview.,Where Do Captions Come From?Captions and Titles are fields that are already available in images in the Media Library, as you can see in the image below. When you upload an image you can add, amongst other things, a Caption and / or a Title. The media based Elements with captions then pull that information directly from the images to display using the new Captions styles.
For images that don』t have captions and titles embedded in the file, you can add them (or override them) in the Element itself. There is one main difference however, between the Image Element, and the Image Carousel and Gallery Elements. With the Image Element, you can add the individual caption and title text on the Captions tab of the Element as it is a single image Element, but with the Gallery Element and the Image Carousel Element, these Image Title and Image Caption options are found by editing the individual Element items, found under the Children tab.,Caption OptionsThe range of options on the Caption tabs of the three image based Elements are almost identical, bar for the Title And Caption options mentioned above. But for a full list and screenshots of the options available on the Captions tab, please see the individual Element docs: Image Element, Image Carousel Element, & the Gallery Element.,Caption StylesThere are a range of Caption styles to choose from. By default, captions are Off. There are two simple caption styles – Above and Below, and then a range of five styled caption designs. These are code named Navin, Dario, Resa, Schantel & Dany. Let』s look at these caption styles individually to see what you can achieve.
AboveAs the name says, the Title and Caption are placed above the image with this selection. You can control the color and size of the fonts etc used with the Element Options.
BelowThis is exactly the same as Athe previous style, only this time, the title and Caption sit below the image.
NavinThis places a color overlay over the image. And we can see the title on the image itself. So here, when we mouse over the image, the overlay disappears, and the title lifts up so there』s room for the caption to slide in beneath it.
DarioOK, Dario is the next style, and this one places the Title near the top, and upon mouseover a border slides in under the title, and the caption slides in from the other side
ResaResa is a very stylish design. It only shows the title initially, but on mouseover the title and caption are aligned in the center of the image, and a border appears around the inside of the image.
SchantelSchantel has the title at the top left, and the caption slides in below this on mouseover, with a background color. There』s also a new option with this style called Image Caption Background Color to control that color of course. There』s also a zoom in effect applied to the image with this style.
DanyFinally, there is Dany. This puts the title at the bottom of the image, and on rollover, the image and title lift up, and the caption is presented with a background color. This option also has the Image Caption Background color option.
How To Use The Container & Column Background Options
The Background tab of the Container and Column Elements have had an overhaul with Avada 6.1, and in this document, we will look at the full range of possibilities with background options in these foundational elements. The BG tab (background) has 4 sub-tabs in the Container element – Color, Gradient, Image and Video. The Column Element has the same options, with the exception of the Video tab. Let』s have a look in detail at each of these tabs.,Overview
The Color Tab
The Gradient Tab
The Image Tab
The Video Tab (Containers Only),The Color TabThe Color Tab is unchanged from previous versions and offers a full color picker with an opacity slider, to allow for a full choice of background colors for your container or column. What has changed, however, is how this color can interact with a background image or video. There is now a Background Blend Mode, in the Image Tab section, which allows you to control how the background color or gradient can interact with a background image. More on that later.
Containers, by default, have a transparent background, and columns are empty, but both can have any colour you like, with any level of opacity.
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Get Avada,The Gradient TabA Gradient background tab has been introduced with Avada 6.1. With this tab, you can add gradient backgrounds to your Container or Column Element, with a range of options for gradient colors, start and stop positions, type and direction. The gradient colors can also have opacity, just like in the Color tab. The default type is Linear, but you can also choose Radial.
As you can see in the screenshot below, you first choose a Gradient Start Color and a Gradient Stop Color, and then set a Gradient Start Position and a Gradient End Position. This controls how the two colours of the gradient blend. Experiment with these to see how this affects the gradient, but the default values of 0 and 100 give you the smoothest gradient.
If you choose Linear as the Gradient Type, the last option is Gradient Angle, and here you can choose from a full 360 degrees.
If you choose Radial as the Gradient Type, the last option becomes Radial Direction, and here you can choose from Left Top, Left Center, Left Bottom, Right Top, Right Center, Right Bottom, Center Top, Center Center, and Center Bottom.
With these options you can create gradients of almost any type. These gradients also work in conjuntion with the Background Blend Modes, that we will look at in the next tab, Image.,The Image TabThe Image Tab allows you to add an image to the Container or Column background. Images added as backgrounds stretch or shrink to fill the the holding container or column, but containers and columns are a little different in this regard, so let』s look at them individually.
ContainersIt』s important to note that Containers have no height by default, even with a background image added. The only things that affect the height of a container are the content and the padding applied to the container. They do have width however, which on the default template is the Site Width, or if you are using the 100% Width Template, they can be the site width or the full width of the screen. So it』s important that the images added are big enough to show in the container without pixellation. Background images added to containers therefore need to be at least as wide as the site width.
With containers, the image initially shows at the full width of the container, so if the container height grows, whether with content or padding, the full image』s height will eventually be displayed, and then, if the height continues to increase, the full height of the image will remain, and the width will start to crop in as the image has to stretch to fill the container.
ColumnsColumns, on the other hand, increase in size when a background image is added, and by default, show the full background image, so again, it』s important that the images added are big enough to show without pixellation. For example, in a full width column on a site with a Site Width of 1100px, it would be wise for any column background image to also be at least 1100px.
If a column』s height is then incresed past the height of the image, either through padding or content, then again, the full height of the image will be shown and the image』s width will start to crop. Please experiment yourself with background images to make sure you understand the implications when adding background images to containers and columns.
Background Blend ModesWith the new Background Blend Modes, you now have multiple options with blending background colours or gradients with background images. There are 15 Blend Modes to choose from, and these determine how the image and any background color or background gradients will interact with the image. Experiment with these blend modes to see how they interact with the background images. If you use a blend mode, you can also use opacity in your colors to affect the overall effect.
If Background Blend Modes are disabled, however, then a background image will always show on top of a background color, regardless if that background color has opacity or not. (In the past, we automatically set a blend mode of overlay if the alpha of the background color was less than 1). But gradients are a type of background image, and so gradients with opacity will still show as overlays on top of background images.
See the video at the top of the page for visual examples of this.,The Video Tab (Containers Only)The Video Tab can be used to add a video background to a container. Videos of course can be added in many ways, with any of the three video elements, into a container or column, but adding a background video can sometimes be a useful tool.
The mp4 format is the only required file type, although there are two other optional file types for full browser compatability. You can also add a YouTube or Vimeo video instead. You can control the aspect ratio, loop and mute the video, and there is also a field for a fallback preview image for older browsers.
Like images, it』s important to remember that containers have no inherent size, and so don』t automatically resize to a video』s dimension. So the best user case for background videos is for videos that act in a background capacity, rather than being the main content. There are ways to resize the container to closer fit the video, but it』s not really designed for that. See the video at the top of the page for more information on the various ways you can use video backgrounds.