Updating Translations

Updating Translations

Updating the Translations Catalogue usually isn』t required. However, if you want to retain your customized Language file, and new strings have been added to a new version of the theme, then you can choose to update from the .pot file to include the new strings to your current Language file. Another reason why updating the Translation Catalogue might be a good idea is if text strings have been added or edited through a Knowledgebase fix. You may need to update the catalogue of your existing .po file to reflect these changes.
How To Update From The .po File After A Theme Update in POEditStep 1 – Open the .po file of the desired language in POEdit.
Step 2 – Choose 『Catalogue』 from the options in the toolbar, then select 『Update from POT file』 option. View screenshot here.
Step 3 – In the opening file dialog, choose the Avada.pot file in Avada/languages/ folder. The catalogue will then be auto updated with all the new text strings, and your custom ones will be preserved.
Step 4 – Don』t forget to Save the file once you are done updating and adding translations.
How To Update The Catalogue After Downloading Patches in POEditStep 1 – After applying patches, open your existing language file in POEdit and click 『Catalogue』 in the toolbar, then select the Properties option.
Step 2 – In the opening file dialog, click the Sources Paths tab. Click the New Item icon. After that, Set the path to 「../」 (two periods and a backslash) as illustrated in the screenshot here.
Step 3 – In the Sources Keywords tab, click the New Item icon. First add 「__」 (two underscores) and then 「_e」 (an underscore and the letter e) as illustrated in the screenshot here.
Step 4 – Click OK to close the window. Once you』re in the main screen, click Update icon. Now POEdit will search for all new strings in Avada. Once they are imported, you can translate them to your desired language.


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