Importing Prebuilt Website Sliders

Importing Prebuilt Website Sliders

Avada includes various sliders in the individual prebuilt websites. When you import a full prebuilt websites, sliders used in that website will import, as long as you have the slider plugins activated before you import. For more information on importing prebuilt websites, see our Importing Prebuilt Avada Websites doc, or our How To Choose And Import An Avada Prebuilt Websites video.
Users can however, also import / export individual sliders if they wish. Each slider has its own method of importing, so follow the links for the slider you wish to know about.

Slider Revolution – Details On How To Import / Export Slider Revolution Sliders

Layer Slider – Details On How To Import / Export LayerSlider Sliders

Fusion Slider – Details On How To Import / Export Fusion Sliders
Common Questions & IssuesSlider Alias or ID Not Found For Layer or Revolution SliderIf you already have sliders made, or something goes wrong during the import due to low server memory, its possible that our demo sliders may not be applied to the pages. You may see an error such as Revolution Slider Error: Slider with alias Avada_Full_Width not found or LayerSlider cannot be found. Sliders are applied by the Slider ID. Each slider gets its own unique ID and they are given in numerical order. If you open up a page after importing the content, and you see an error like that, you only need to edit the page and assign the slider to the page. To verify you have the sliders, go to the Layer or Revolution Slider section of your admin to see them listed. If you do not see them, then you can import the sliders separately.
Slider ImagesThe demo sliders are mainly useful to see our settings and see how we built the slides. You need to replace the images with your own because the images are not licensed for your usage. Its very important that you replace each image with your own, the slider may not work if you miss one image so be careful when using these. Check each and every sub layer to ensure it does not have a missing image.


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