How To Speed Up Your Site With W3TC Plugin

How To Speed Up Your Site With W3TC Plugin

PLEASE NOTE: These settings are not a one size fits all. W3TC interacts with your server, and each situation can be different. Contact your host if you have issues.We recommend using the W3TC Cache plugin to optimize your sites speed. All premium themes should be using a cache plugin. If you download and install the plugin, you can import our settings that we use on our demo. You can download our exported settings below, please read the important note first though.
IMPORTANT NOTE: These exported settings are ONLY for Avada 3.2 and higher. The config file is not a 「one size fits all」 solution. Each server is different, and what works for our server may not work for yours. If you have trouble with the config file, please adjust the settings to fit your server. Contact your host for more details.
Download W3TC Plugin Settings


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