Avada Live has an intuitive and minimalist workspace, but there are also a range of preferences to help you work in the way you want to. Let』s look at the Preferences, accessed from the main toolbar from the Preferences icon, as seen below.
Read on to discover how you can customize your Workspace with the Avada Live Preferences, and watch the video below for a visual overview.,The PreferencesSidebar Panel PositionElement Editing ModeAutomatically Open Element SettingsEnable Keyboard ShortcutsShow Option Descriptions By DefaultShow Tooltips
Enable Sticky Header & Containers
Enable Transparent Header & Absolute Containers
Enable Preview for Filter OptionsShow Droppable Areas While DraggingSidebar Panel Overlay ModeKeyboard Shortcuts,Sidebar Panel PositionSelect the side which you want the sidebar panel to be displayed on. If you use the Sidebar Element Editing Mode, you can determine whether the panel opens on the left or the right side of the screen. Left is the default.,Element Editing ModeChoose if element editing should be in the sidebar or in a dialog. If you choose dialog, you can resize and move the dialog to whatever position on the screen you prefer.,Automatically Open Element SettingsChoose if the settings should be opened automatically after adding an element. By default, this is turned on. In most cases, the default behavior will be ideal, as when adding an Element, you will usually want to edit it immediately.,Enable Keyboard ShortcutsChoose if Keyboard Shortcuts should be enabled or disabled. There are a range of Keyboard Shortcuts in Avada Live, and you can enable or disable them here. See the Keyboard Shortcuts section below for more detail.,Show Option Descriptions By DefaultChoose if option descriptions should be shown or hidden by default. You can always toggle the description on any of the individual options, but if you prefer to always see the option descriptions, you can set this option to Show.,Show TooltipsChoose if tooltips should be enabled or disabled. This controls the description you get when you hover over any tool in Avada Live. It is on by default.,Enable Sticky Header & ContainersChoose if sticky header and containers should be enabled or disabled. Sticky Headers and Containers can obstruct Container Controls while building. This option just disables the sticky header and containers in the Live Builder, not on the front end.
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Get Avada,Enable Transparent Header & Absolute ContainersChoose if transparent header and absolute containers should be enabled or disabled. Transparent headers can block Container Controls at times, so if your site has a transparent header, or an absolute container, you can enable or disable it in the Live Builder here.,Enable Preview for Filter OptionsChoose if Element filter options preview should be enabled or disabled. Some Elements have a range of Filters, under the Extras tab. This setting determines whether you see a preview of these filters while editing.,Show Droppable Areas While DraggingEnable in order to see all droppable areas while dragging element. With this enabled, you will see all possible droppable areas as a white line. With it disabled, you will only see a blue line as you mouse over a droppable area.,Sidebar Panel Overlay ModeChoose if the sidebar panel should act as an overlay. If enabled, the sidebar will overlay the preview content. If disabled, the preview content will resize to fit the new screen area.,Keyboard ShortcutsAvada Live also comes with a range of shortcuts to help with your efficiency. You can find a full list of these under the Support Icon on the right hand side of the toolbar as seen below.
There are a range of both Toggle Hotkeys, and Action Hotkeys. See the full list below.
Author 詩語
Avada Builder Elements Search
How To Use The Element Search FeatureStep 1 – Activate Avada Builder or Avada Live.
Step 2 – Add a new Container, then add columns into it. Click the 『+ Element』 button to bring up the Elements window.
Step 3 – In the 『Select Element』 window, there』s a search field on the upper right corner of the window. This is active immediately when opening the Element window.
Step 4 – In the search field, type in the keywords for the element you』re looking for. For example, button. This search method is a LIVE search, thereby elements will be filtered and displayed as you type.
This action hook is fired before Avada Builder layout UI. Can be used to prepend html markup or content before builder layout UI.
Copy to Clipboardfunction my_function() {
$content = 'your content';
echo $content;
add_action( 'fusion_builder_before_content', 'my_function' );x 1function my_function() {2 $content = 'your content';34 echo $content;5}6add_action( 'fusion_builder_before_content', 'my_function' );
Avada Live Global Options Management
With Avada Live, Global Options Management is built directly into the Builder.
What this means, is that while you are editing a page in Avada Live, you can also access the Global Options Panel without leaving the page, make any changes you wish, and have the changes reflect immediately in the document you are working on. This is a great time saving workflow feature and will speed up your work considerably.
Please watch the video, or read on below to find out more about this great new feature.,How To Access Global Options In Avada LiveThere are several types of global options you can access and manage in Avada Live.
The first ones are the Avada Global Options. On the Toolbar, at the top of the page, you will see a row of icons, as shown in the image below. The second one along is the Sidebar icon. Clicking this opens the Sidebar, which has three tabs – the Global Options, the Page Options, and Element Options panel.
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Get Avada,Avada Global OptionsThe Sidebar opens, by default, in a panel on the left of the screen, as seen below. If you prefer, you can set it on the right, via the Preferences icon on the toolbar. The entire set of the Global Options are available to you here in the Sidebar, in an easy to use interface.
Any changes you make in the Global Options are shown directly on the page as it auto-refreshes to show you the changes. Also, after any changes, you will notice the Save Button at the top-right of the Toolbar becomes blue. This signifies changes have been made and are ready to save.,Avada Builder Element OptionsAs part of the Avada Options, there are, of course, the Avada Builder Element Options. This is the penultimate item of the Global Options panel, and is where you can set global options for the Avada Builder Elements.
Like the other global options, any relevant changes you make will be updated instantly on the page, and the Save button will go blue to show there are unsaved changes.,Other Global OptionsSome sections of the page are not editable directly in Avada Live, in the same way, they are not editable in the back-end builder. These areas are not coming from the builder, and are controlled from the Global Options, or other areas in WordPress.
These are areas like the Header, the Menu, the Logo, the Sliders, the Page Title Bar, the Sidebars, the Sliding Bar, and the Footer. You can identify these areas most easily by toggling the Wireframe icon on the top Toolbar. The sections that are not in the Wireframe are outside of page content.
In Avada Live, if you mouse over one of these areas, you will see a Control Bar with icons, and clicking the various icons takes you directly to the relevant section of WordPress, in a new tab, or the Global Options, in the Sidebar Panel. Depending on the icon, and what the default settings are, these may be global or local options. In the Header Control Bar, for example, there is a shortcut to the Header Layout, the Logo, and the Main Menu (all global), as well as an Add Slider Icon if there is no slider on the page (local option), and an Add Page Title Bar Icon (again, only if there is no Page Title Bar already on the page and this Icon is local or global depending on default settings).
If your site has a Custom Header Layout, then instead, there will be a single icon to enable you to edit the active Header Layout Section directly from the page. This will be the same for Page Title Bars, and Footers.,Global Save ButtonAs noted above, there is no Save button at the bottom of the Global Options panel in Avada Live. All changes are updated on the page as soon as they are made, but with Avada Live, we have combined the Save button for both page content, and theme and page options.
So now there is a Global Save Button, on the far right of the top toolbar. When no changes have been made, the icon is grey. It turns blue as soon as any change has been made, whether that is in page content, theme options, or page options, and when you click it, the button turns temporarily green to show you it has saved before turning grey again. History states are also cleared when a page is saved.
See the Avada Live Local Options Management Doc Here!
Avada Builder History Feature
The Avada Builder includes a useful feature called History. This feature tracks the last 25 actions that have been performed in the editor and allows you to revert back to any state before or after an action. To learn how to use this feature, continue reading below.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This feature is only available in Avada 5.0 and up.Read About Avada Builder』s Tools and IconsHow To Use The History FeatureStep 1 – Activate Avada Builder, or Avada Live.
Step 2 – Create your page layout as you』d like. Each action you make is recorded under the History icon as a history state. In the back end editor, the History Icon is found on the right uppermost corner of the Avada Builder toolbar. In Avada Live, the History Icon is on the left side, the 4th icon along on the toolbar.
Step 3 – Once you click the 『History』 icon, you』ll see all your actions in a list. To revert to a particular history state, simply click the history state in the list. You can jump between any history state in the History list as often as you wish, until you save.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Saving or refreshing the page will reset your history states.