Copy to Clipboardfusion_builder_shortcodes_categories( string $taxonomy, bool $empty_choice, string $empty_choice_label ) 1fusion_builder_shortcodes_categories( string $taxonomy, bool $empty_choice, string $empty_choice_label )Retrieve a list of category objects for defined taxonomy. Display a category list as element option.
(string) (Required) Taxonomy to retrieve terms for.
(bool) Add empty option to a returned category list. Default: false.
(string) Text label for empty option in a returned category list. Default: 「Default」.Copy to Clipboardfusion_builder_map(
'name' => esc_attr__( 'Fusion Builder Element', 'fusion-builder' ),
'shortcode' => 'fusion_text',
'icon' => 'fusiona-font',
'preview' => PLUGIN_DIR . 'js/previews/fusion-text-preview.php',
'preview_id' => 'fusion-builder-block-module-text-preview-template',
'allow_generator' => true,
'params' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'heading' => esc_attr__( 'Category', 'fusion-builder' ),
'description' => esc_attr__( 'Select a category of posts to display.', 'fusion-builder' ),
'param_name' => 'category',
'value' => fusion_builder_shortcodes_categories( 'category', true, esc_attr__( 'All', 'fusion-builder' ) ),
'default' => '',
);xxxxxxxxxx21 1fusion_builder_map( 2 array(3 'name' => esc_attr__( 'Fusion Builder Element', 'fusion-builder' ),4 'shortcode' => 'fusion_text',5 'icon' => 'fusiona-font',6 'preview' => PLUGIN_DIR . 'js/previews/fusion-text-preview.php',7 'preview_id' => 'fusion-builder-block-module-text-preview-template',8 'allow_generator' => true,9 'params' => array(10 array(11 'type' => 'select',12 'heading' => esc_attr__( 'Category', 'fusion-builder' ),13 'description' => esc_attr__( 'Select a category of posts to display.', 'fusion-builder' ),14 'param_name' => 'category',15 'value' => fusion_builder_shortcodes_categories( 'category', true, esc_attr__( 'All', 'fusion-builder' ) ),16 'default' => '',17 18 ),19 ),20 ) 21);