Avada Forms Global Options

Avada Forms Global Options

In the Avada Global Options, with Avada 7.1 and up, you will find the Forms tab, which allows you to set global options for Avada Forms, as well as any other 3rd party forms that have design integration with Avada. Let』s have a look at the options here.,Overview
Forms Styling

Google reCAPTCHA

HubSpot,Forms StylingWith these options you can control the overall appearance of your Form, including colors, margins and borders.

Form Input and Select Height – This controls the height of all search, form input and select fields.

Form Background Color – Controls the background color of form fields.

Form Font Size – Controls the size of the form text.

Form Text Color – Controls the color of the form text.

Form Border Size – Controls the border size of the form fields.

Form Border Color – Controls the border color of the form fields. This is a dependent option that always stays visible because other options can utilize it.

Form Border Color On Focus – Controls the border color of the form fields when they have focus. This is a dependent option that always stays visible because other options can utilize it.

Form Border Radius – Controls the border radius of the form fields. Also works, if border size is set to 0..
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Get Avada,Google reCAPTCHAWith these options, you can configure Google reCAPTCHA for use in your Avada Forms.

reCAPTCHA Version – Set the reCAPTCHA version you want to use and make sure your keys below match the set version. Choose from V2, or V3.
reCAPTCHA Site Key – Follow the steps in our docs to get the site key.
reCAPTCHA Secret Key – Follow the steps in our docs to get the secret key.

reCAPTCHA Security Score – Set a threshold score that must be met by the reCAPTCHA response. The higher the score the harder it becomes for bots, but also false positives increase. Choose from 0.1 to 1.0.

reCAPTCHA Badge Position – Set where and if the reCAPTCHA badge should be displayed. NOTE: Google』s Terms and Privacy information needs to be displayed on the contact form.,HubSpotWith this option you can connect your HubSpot account to Avada Forms. For more details, see the How To Integrate HubSpot With Avada Forms doc.

HubSpot API – Select a method to connect to your HubSpot account. Choose from OAuth (recommended) or API Key.,Useful Links & Resources
The Avada Form Builder
Avada Form Local OptionsHow To Integrate HubSpot With Avada FormsAvada Form Element


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